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Banned by Vandium


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Gratz for being childish, may I now be unbanned? Was playing in your server today with my teammate, we were both banned for 5 mins without warning for no obvious reasons. Waited my 5 mins so I could get back in the server and listen to an explanation, still banned. If you guys can't control your admins then dont bother unbanning me. I dont want to have to go through this stupidity ever again. I liked your server because it actually registers, but I'd much rather deal with terrible reg than 12 year olds with admin powers. STEAM_0:0:19260460

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Gratz for being childish, may I now be unbanned? Was playing in your server today with my teammate, we were both banned for 5 mins without warning for no obvious reasons. Waited my 5 mins so I could get back in the server and listen to an explanation, still banned. If you guys can't control your admins then dont bother unbanning me. I dont want to have to go through this stupidity ever again. I liked your server because it actually registers, but I'd much rather deal with terrible reg than 12 year olds with admin powers. STEAM_0:0:19260460


You came back at me rather childish.

Even before you sought a reason for the ban.


Just stay banned.

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1. Your in-game name: Skadoosh

2. Server that you where banned on: 24/7 Dust2 2000Fps

3. The Banning admin: Vandium

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:19260460

5. Reason for ban: You tell me.


I REALLY want to know now why I was banned. I'm guessing he won't be able to give a reasonable excuse.

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Seriously. Don't come in here demanding an unban... Don't call people KIDS, or CHILDISH, when you can't carry out the intelligent part of the conversation. Vandium said stay banned. I would do what he says.

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