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MannyS9000 Improper ban


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steam name: mannyS9000


reason banned: misuse of a prop


reason ban was improper and should revoked: the item was an explosive which the server owner has not blacklisted and since he only hit the ground and the explosion killed ppl not the prop that he should have only been banned for a month or till the prop was blacklisted and him on probation.


steam i.d.: STEAM_0:0:33258133



reason for me representing him: my 'friend' doesn't really know how to do things formal he planned on just sending each of us in to tell an admin but i offered to represent him in this case due to the fact he isn't the smartest person comming to these situations. i only ask that he be unbanned but with a warning that if he messes up again he will be banned permanently. if this is impossible i then request that he only be unbanned from the zombie servers but stay banned on all other rp servers.



p.s. yes i know i'm not supposed to represent people they need to do it themselves but would you give a retard a rifle to get his own deer only to blow his face off or would you hunt for that retard since he is unable.

Edited by Vao
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If your friend wants to be unbanned, he's going to need to make a unban report himself. If he's not even bothered to make unban report then why should i even bother reviewing it.


If he creates his own then I may rethink his ban, but until then he will stay banned.

Edited by Vao
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