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[HG] Blitzkrieg


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One of those is the answer to a question asked by a person as trivia, and yes, as disturbing as it is, it is the correct answer. The other one is unexplainable. Me and yeti are friends but i should not have said that. I do apologize, and should control my language as admin. Again, i'm sorry, and will try to avoid doing more in the future.

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Well all you need to do blitz is to cut back on the admin talk. You may use it to have some fun, but remember it is mostly to control the server, If you use it to often and other will think of you as "showing off" your admin. They will find out anything you do wrong and say it as abuse to get it removed. So just please cut down on using it to have some inside fun with friends. Normal chat will work just fine when you want to say something to a friend that is just playing around but may be taken in a different way to others.

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sorry blitz i been in a bad mood all day then i got on here and took it out on the forumns actually towards a few posts i made nothing against you blitz. Plus i appologize for my actions i didn't attend for it to happen.

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yeah well not when you hear about one of your closest friends was just life lined to the hospital and you rush there next thing you know your holding him screaming with blood on your lap and he dies while holding him. Yeah I know what everyone thinks about this why is he on the computer then if this happened??? Yeah get my mind off it keep my mind pacing about the other good friends i have.

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