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Smokin' Desktop! (literally!)


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Okay guys, my power supply decided to take up smoking, in the middle of Half Life 2! I live in a dorm, so I usually ignore smells of burning. Unfortunately, it was me who was doing the burning. My power supply gave out and shut down my pc. As the case fan on the top of the case spun down, smoke started to stream out. I started to freak, worrying about what could have gone wrong. I cracked open the case, and saw the smoke coming out of the psu. It was very hot (obviously) so I'm letting it sit for awhile before I test it out to see if it's still functional (not high hopes).



PSU smoking like a chimney, uh oh.



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time to replace it then. If you know someone with a spare power supply so you can test to see if any of your other parts were damaged in the process. if not then go buy a new one. I suggest going to newegg.


i'd recommend this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139020


if thats too expensive newegg has many good psus for cheap

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Thanks for the recommendation.


I let it cool, then plugged it back in and pressed the power button. No response. Sigh, it's toasted. I'm now in the market for a new psu, I guess. My now-fried psu is 700w, I know, it's overboard, but I like it to be over. Any other psu suggestions?

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