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Good Gaming Computer?


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Found out that the dell fps 8300 looks good for gaming with a Radeon 6870 or a 6770. What do you think? The other good thing is I got a 300 dollar discount so it went from like 1,100 to 685. Is it good or not?

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Well Dell is tricky that way. It's not really a discount. $685 is what that computer is worth if you look around on other sites. Also to get the 6870 it'll bump the price up to $950.


Quick search on http://www.newegg.com and I found this, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229292. I don't know what CyberPower comps are like but it's cheaper then the Dell with similar parts (6870, 3.1 cpu). I'd try looking around. Helps if you set yourself a budget first (don't forget shipping and tax) and look at various retailers.


If you're not against building you're own PC (or know someone who can do it) you can get help at http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc and http://www.pcpartpicker.com. There are also plenty of videos that show how to do everything.

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