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The Mysteries Of A Revelation.. Check this.


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So, I was thinking to myself and I decided to share my thoughts with the community here at HG. Take this as my way of providing you guys with an insightful learning experience that you might not otherwise have a chance to witness, without knowing me personally.


Alright, let's get down to some deep thoughtful shit because that's what I'm all about. Seriously though, how often have you heard something as beautiful as a perfect melody ring through your ears and enter into your brain where the sound continues to spread a mixture of thought, emotion, and pure bliss into your uppermost consciousness?


It's not every day that we as humans get to feel the unparalleled effect of this. Today is your lucky day because I have here at my disposal, one of the most in-depth.. most mathematical orchestras in the galaxy.



Edited by TropicaLStorM
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