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Unfairly Banned/Very corrupt administration in Gmod.


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In Game Name: Chris ThaCreator

Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:47225149



The reason my group and myself bought gold in this server was because we thought this community was a respectful and fair judging community, as days go by it doesn't seem like it at all, well at least in the gmod server, the administration system in the Gmod Perp server is very corrupt and most of the admins have very short tempers with all the players and don't give them a chance to say anything ( A prime example is Big John, we were trying to explain a situation at subs , and just kicks everybody who tried to talk not giving any of us a chance to say anything, I stayed quiet because i was scared to speak out because I would of been kicked for saying our side of the story) other admins including him have very short tempers, and don't seem fit for the admin position at all.. Id blatantly see big john no clipping back into his house to get his stuff and back out which gets on my nerves ( wish I was recording).. And my ban was unfair i didn't get a chance at all to talk back to rumor it was a ban between him and I, and Superskreech interrupted us.. I think i shouldn't be banned because there is no proof of me doing what i got banned for and i can explain my self for every action I take, And i think i should be judged on my own actions I take in this server not the group im with ... I wish to have a discussion on this thread not have it closed or deleted


Thank You, Chris

Edited by Vao
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First of all;


You're not getting unbanned and you've been told that.




If a admin is being corrupt or breaking rules recording a demo and making a abuse report is the best way to go.


A discussion is not needed. And if you choose to create another unban report you will be banned from the forums.

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