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My imaginary friend sold on ebay


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ive seen plenty of weird things sold on eBay, including a man successfully selling his speeding ticket recently, but this one takes the cake.


Metro tells us a man is selling his imaginary friend on eBay UK â because hes grown out of him. Last time I checked, he had already received 31 bids, and 12652 hits on the listing.


The listing reads: My imaginary friend Jon Malipieman is getting too old for me now. I am now 27 and I feel I am growing out of him. He is very friendly. Along with him, I will send you what he likes and dislikes, his favorite things to do and his personal self portrait.


Seller thewildncrazyoli, from Newport, has received questions including does he mind smokers?


Answer: No he does not mind them. But he does not like people smoking right next to him that much. He likes bonfire smoke though.â€Â


And is he single?


“Yes he is single at the moment. He used to be a bit of a player (well, a lot of one) but he has out grown that phase and is looking to settle down in a nice relationship.â€Â


A picture of Jon Malipieman is posted along with the listing.


The highest bid currently stands at $3082.15 US with 2 days left till the auction ends. Postage is free.


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