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admin abuse f4ithless


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kid comes into the server, mic spams, is a super douche saying everyone is virgins then goes onto saying he plays cs as his job to get him through college.


time bombs everyone in server because everyone flamed him.


then comes into teamspeak to douche some more.



apparently hes a high ranking admin who has a power hungry type ego... any way to fix this kid?



jailbreak CSS server

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Do not delete my post------I am the one with proof.


This is my point of view and how I saw things. Basically faithless signs on to jailbreak acting like he runs the place, saying how he is pro blah blah blah. I asked him why someone was killed. So he starts cussing me out. So I kicked him for admin on admin disrespect. He signed back on to confront me but i ended up signing off to avoid further conflict. Few minutes passes by ,Faithless, Taylor, Rick, and La Migre(idk/idc how his named is spelt) comes into the jailbreak channel, obviously not playing jailbreak. To harass Ascii, Boxer, and I for whatever reason. Here is the raw recording of the ts3 session. ( http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=02989063440244847040 ) After the recording I then proceeded onto jailbreak to inspect the mess that was created. I was told that Faithless was abusing admin.(He admitted to the abuse) So I then demoed him trying to instigate more useless ignorance towards boxer( http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=22576938852595248634 ). The rest is history.


Conclusion- It only takes one person to ruin the fun and wannabe internet gangsters take the cake.swag.

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