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I'm the kind of person that would love to believe there is a GOD, and I would love it if Jesus were real. But until I see any real proof, I'm not going to dedicate my life to something that isn't even for sure. There is nothing wrong with other people believing whatever they want, it's your life.


If there really is a GOD and he sends me to hell just because I had an open mind, then whatever SO BE IT.


Here's what I think is the truth about all oraganized religions:


Either all 300+ religions on Earth are wrong. Or one religion is right, and all others are wrong. Personally I think it is VERY stupid, and naive to think that planet Earth is only 4,000 years old. And for somebody to say that life on Earth is the only life in the ENTIRE Universe, that is just idiotic. Think about it.. the Universe is infinity, endless, IT NEVER ENDS, NO END. I think there are thousands, maybe millions of Intelligent civilizations in the Universe. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other planets inhabited by Humans exactly like us. But there are also planets with crazy ass Aliens that we couldn't even begin to imagine how they look.


There is nothing wrong with religion, and faith. I know there are people on this forum that do believe in some kind of God, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have no idea why we are here, maybe we are the only life in the entire universe, Maybe we were created by a God (or Gods) who knows.. but I do know it's alot easier living life with an open mind.


One thing that makes me believe there might be a God, and he had our lives planned out before we were even born is DEJA VU, think about that... you dream about shit before it even happens. And when it does happen, that 5-10 seconds of Deja Vu is exactly word for word, second for second IDENTICAL to the dream you had a week, month, or even years before.

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^ What he said. Kind of.


I don't like the odds organized religion gives you. I also am not a big fan of the fact that religion was created out of a) fear of the unknown and B) as an explanation to create a (potentially) false understanding to fill the gaps in our knowledge.


Organized religion irks me because most of the (now) western ones are holdovers from religions (FLAVORS OF CATHOLICISM) that exist primarily to take the money of their sheep. All of them are also innately elitist, so they don't mesh well with each other.


Don't get me wrong, I'm accepting of whatever someone else believes under the conditions that a) they actually have some semblance of education of the subject matter they're talking about and B) they don't try to beat me over the head with their bibles, literally or otherwise.


In either case, it pretty much breaks down to "whatever you have faith in", since there are knowledge gaps both on the scientific and religious sides.

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^ What he said. Kind of.


Yeah sorry about that dude, I was kind of rambling on lol. It's something I really enjoy talking about, preferably face to face, I could go on and on for hours. But what you said about religion being formed because of fear of the unknown is 100% correct. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just different, the unknown doesn't scare me, it pisses me off, because I WANT TO KNOW.


Also, I have one more thing to say, one word: PSILOCYBIN

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Keep your nerd-shit armchair theologian retardedness out of the fucking forums. I don't care if you watched an hour special on the history channel about religion. No one fucking cares about your idiot opinions. Fuckin' damn.

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