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I really hate it.


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Although I live in a small neighborhood, a township of only about 5,000 people, tragedies still happen and they happen TOO often.

Two-three years ago, a kid by the last name of Wertz hung himself. Everyone knew him too, he was a great kid and loved helping out in the community.

One-two years ago, a kid by the last name of Branham, a semi-close friend of mine, died in a car accident when he wrapped his car around a tree while not wearing a seatbelt.

And now last night, a family of 3 was killed in a HUGE accident just up the street. A drunk driver caused a huge mess of things which resulted in the death of the Deis family.


Why do big things happen in such a small town? :(

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We live in a comparable size town. And about two years ago a guy on shrooms flipped out and stabbed his roommate 60 some times with a knife. Then went wandering around town with a knife. The year before that a professor "committed suicide" by " tying him self to a tree with barbed wire and lighting himself on fire". (I still think the college football team offed him. ) it kinda happens everywhere it's just the ratio crazy people verses same people is much larger in small towns

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I know that feel BooT, in my small town of around the same population, at our high school we had for 4 years straight, at least one tragedy involving someone we went to school with, the first year I can recall, a close friend and classmate committed suicide my freshman year. The year after that, we had another classmate die in a car wreck, and the year after that, another kid was in a coma from being hit by a drunk driver and he didn't recover... So I know what it's like....

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I don't think that shit happens more on a small town, its that since the town is small(er) you hear about stuff faster and are more likely to witness it. If anything, the same amount of stuff could happen in a big city or town as to a small city or town


Size is usually relative.

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Well, I don't want to sit here and reply to each of you individually so here's my shot at replying to all or most of you.

I am sorry to hear about each of the stories in this thread, that's really saddening, this world can be so cruel to the nicest, most polite people.


I learned more about the car accident and the family. The older teenage daughter was the one driving, however somehow she managed to make it out of the car before shit went down? That's what the story has been around town. They also have a young, 5-year-old child who was not with them at the time of the accident, not sure where he was.


I also forgot to mention another suicide that happened half a year ago, some lady just up and jumped off a bridge onto the expressway. No one really knew much about her and I never really looked into it.


I am glad to be able to somewhat avoid the bullshit of real-life online with you guys. I really hope that tragedy never strikes any of you or your families and if it does, I will be here for you. Regardless if we are on bad terms or not.

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