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Mods for me to play


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  • 2 weeks later...

Zombie panic is by far my most favorite mod and zombie game at that. You start off either as a zombie or a survivor. As a survivor you have to survive obviously. To do this you have to look around the map to find guns and ammo which is really scarce. When you do find ammo you have to conserve it because u dont get much. While doing this you need to complete the tasks given to you so that you can escape the area. As an infected your job would be to prevent the survivors from escaping.


Its seriously a great game and took away soo many hours of my life

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Oh god and I can't forget Vindictus You will be blown away by this RPG source mod. I can't remember if it's a source mod or if it could work standalone but it's an exceptional game that is similar to the "God of War" style of gameplay but also has incredible RPG elements.

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