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How many of you fucks live in Tennessee?


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So I'm making a drive from Texas to Pennsylvania on a couple weeks and have no place to stay along the way nor do I have the means of affording a hotel. The plan is to leave May 9th or 10th, drive to Tennessee(13-16 hours) then finish the drive the next day to Pennsylvania. The goal is to make it before the weekend.


This is where HG comes in. I'm merely requesting a place to stay somewhere in Tennessee, preferably near Nashville or Knoxville. Here are the rules:


1) No recruits. I don't want to stay with some nerd who has been here for a month and will probably rape me. If you've been here longer and wish to rape me that's fine.


2) Don't live with your parents. A roommate is fine I suppose but I don't want to be introduced to mommy and daddy as some creepy Jerry Sandusky from the internet.


Those are the only rules, keep in mind if I just flat out don't like you but you still meet the criteria and have waited your whole life to discuss the secrets an ex-Council member holds I won't stay with you.


Toodles bitches.

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Ew Kimzy? No way.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D :D :D Didn't say eww when I sent you those nudies did you!


I was just gonna offer you a room in Nashville.. sucks to be you Mattyboy, sucks to be you :D


for serious: glhf gettin raped!

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girl < woman


now ill leave this conversation before the hole ive dug myself reaches Korea and Taylor enters the convo.


KOREA HAS RECEIVED YOUR THREAT! Now you die sir! Also she's not Korean, she's Mongolian or sumtin... iunno.


Swat, come up to Maryland when you're done with Penn. I mean I don't wanna see you, but we got a nice state.

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