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What constitutes player abuse and/or rule abuse?


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I mostly play on the cp_degrootkeep server and have a lot of fun. Of course there are a few things that irritate me when I see them.


[ØÃß] Kizor # z piję kawę - STEAM_0:1:45402680


The player above is notorious for coming in and simply AFKing for hours on end. In my current match, he has been idling in the server for close to an hour and twenty minutes. Yesterday I believe it was closer to 3 hours.


Is this tolerable? Screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/?ybxv4gu3vrlb6r6


Another question I have is: what are the views of someone constantly stacking the attacking team in degrootkeep by switching the second they can after the next round loads in? There are a few people who do it quite frequently.

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AFKing is not an issue unless the server is full, then get an admin to kick him to free up space. Otherwise, he isn't hurting anyone.


As for team switching, there is a teamscramble chat command, and they can't cheese that more than 1 player or 2, a whole team couldn't do that. Myself I prefer Blue on degroot, but cheesing the sytem isn't really against the rules. Nor is it really a bad thing. Sometimes you cant becuase of the player count on each team. Votes will scramble anyways, so it wont help much in either case

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I saw you earlier Phate, Kizor does it every day for several hours, as I said, even during peak times when the server is full.


I don't mind people switching to the other team to balance it out, but people literally switch every time they have to defend on to blue team. And if they can't get on blue, they go spec to force a balance then go blue. That's a little more than cheesing the system when you have to resort to that.

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idon't know what to tell you then, as they sorta can. If they only want to play blue, then they can. You seem to forget that it takes a lot of people to rebalance teams. and as for Kizor, I am not an admin. If he is really doing this at peak traffic, then get some proof and post a ban request. Beyond that I can't help you other than to just keep playing, as this doesnt really affect you anyways, not directly at least.

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We have a anti afk system thats suppose to be working ill get a TC to look at this. The server almost never gets extremely full but when it does we can get an admin and kick him no problem. Their is no problem for going afk on our servers you get nothing out of it but maybe a bad KDR going onto your steam account but no one cares about that : /

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