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Red ring of death!


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What is the warranty period for Xbox 360 consoles and accessories?


The warranties are:


•Original Xbox 360 console with three flashing red lights or error E74: Three years from the console purchase date (not applicable to the Xbox 360 S console)


Follow the steps found here: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/repair/repair-process


If they try to charge you, then start to weigh between getting a refurb from them (paying for repair) or just buying a new one (A "holiday bundle" which is a new Xbox 360 S with 250 gb hard drive (internal), Fable 3, Halo: Reach, and another controller, usually go on sale for $199.99 if you watch closely). Also, Good luck.

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If you lack the warranty, look up the towel trick on youtube and suck a few days or every weeks from it until it eventually can't go more than two hours.


Never do the towel trick.... worst idea ever you will only end up overheating and fucking up the rest of the parts inside the xbox. The best thing to do if your warranty is expired is take it apart and reflow the gpu, cpu, and ram chips with a heat gun, replace the thermal compound and apply the x-clamp fix. I did this to all three of my xboxs when one of them got the red ring and they have been going strong for 2 years now.


But of course if your warranty is still active just call MS like others have already said.

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Follow the steps found here: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/repair/repair-process


If they try to charge you, then start to weigh between getting a refurb from them (paying for repair) or just buying a new one (A "holiday bundle" which is a new Xbox 360 S with 250 gb hard drive (internal), Fable 3, Halo: Reach, and another controller, usually go on sale for $199.99 if you watch closely). Also, Good luck.


this its only 100 if you send it back without warranty. Also i suggest getting a innercooler like this http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Intercooler-TS/dp/B001COVHMS/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335732061&sr=8-1-spell you will never get the rrod again if you use this all the time

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has 4 lights making one ring. and lack he already had one and got in trouble on it


4 lights making a full ring? Thats not a red ring of death.


Four lights around the power button flash red on your Xbox 360 console. Four flashing lights indicates that the console does not detect an audio/video (AV) cable.


Push in the A/V cable more in the back.

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4 lights making a full ring? Thats not a red ring of death.


Four lights around the power button flash red on your Xbox 360 console. Four flashing lights indicates that the console does not detect an audio/video (AV) cable.


Push in the A/V cable more in the back.


I'm sorry faded but if it's this imma laugh :3 <3

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Wrap it in a towel turn it on leave it there for about 5 - 10 min then remove the towel reconnect it to your tv then test it will have a 60% chance of working, but keep in mind this is a temp fix and you may have do this once a week or every few days. Did it with mine and worked fine. There are also repair kits on the net to fix the sensor that is not working correctly



This is for 3 rings not 4

Edited by SuperSkreech
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4 lights making a full ring? Thats not a red ring of death.


Four lights around the power button flash red on your Xbox 360 console. Four flashing lights indicates that the console does not detect an audio/video (AV) cable.


Push in the A/V cable more in the back.

It could also be dust/grime build up in the fan intake.
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