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Kingdoms of Amalur [PC] Talk


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Let me start off by saying that this game is very immersible. So far, I have loved every second of it. It definitely stands it's own agaisnt other big titles such as Skyrim.


For people who love RPGs but are in doubt, then I recommend you check out this game. Even if you don't really like RPGs, I think you could still enjoy the storyline as well as the smooth combat which is also enjoyable.



Other things that I want to mention...


It's nothing like World of Warcraft, I have heard lots of people say that they thought it would be like WoW? I don't know how any one could come to such a conclusion.. besides the artwork.. that's all that is similar.



It's also nothing like Fable. In my opinion Fable is a shallow RPG, but Kingdom of Amular is not afraid to jump into the deep end of the pool and really show it's true colors.


Another thing that really stands out is the wide variety of characters. It makes you feel as if you were flipping through a D&D book.

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