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The Walking Dead Game


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Piracy is not the answer.


Then more games need to start providing demos like back in the old days. Is it that hard to let us have 15 minute of in-game content to try before we purchase the game? (I'm not advocating piracy, just advocating the return of game demos)


OT: Look interesting, but I really dislike the show. Ill check the game out though.

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Then more games need to start providing demos like back in the old days. Is it that hard to let us have 15 minute of in-game content to try before we purchase the game? (I'm not advocating piracy, just advocating the return of game demos)


OT: Look interesting, but I really dislike the show. Ill check the game out though.


looks more like the comic if you've ever read them.

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It's an absolutely spectacular game, I finished it on Sunday and I must say that it is one of the best games i have played in a loooong time. Graphics are Borderlands styled but the gameplay is absolutely amazing. There are tie-ins with the show characters and every decision you makes tie's in with the end game experience. But if your looking for an fps shooting slugfest ripping zombies new assholes all day, then you won't like it. But definitely a must buy if you love an excellent storyline and old school RPG elements.

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I recently purchased TellTale's Jurassic Park game, and was very disappointed. I'm pretty skeptical of picking up their new game.


From what I've seen from the Jurassic Park game (looks like shit) The Walking Dead game is nothing like it. Its not a game full of quick time events, although making dialogue decisions are timed.


As someone said earlier, its more about the story. There are moments where the gameplay makes you feel really tense too.


If you're not into pirating a game to honestly test it out, then watch a let's play of it on youtube. There's pretty much a let's play of almost every game ever made ever ever

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