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Sanctum Update Released


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* Lots of connection issues fixed for multiplayer

* Cancel button when connecting through the server-list




* Detail Settings




* Anti-Air - Level 6 missiles re-target if their current target dies




* New medal system, you gain cores for completing levels. Cores that you have earned are displayed in your level selection screen.

- 1 core -> Easy

- 2 cores -> Medium

- 3 cores -> Hard

- 4 cores -> Insane

- Achievements are checked to give you appropriate cores

- If you have completed a level, you gain 2 cores

- If you have finished a level on insane, you gain 4 cores


* Limited waves increased

- 10 -> 10

- 15 -> 20

- 20 -> 30


* New Victory/Defeat screens


* Tower Limit in multiplayer increased

- 1 & 2 players: 7 -> 8 towers

- 3 & 4 players: 6 -> 7 towers


* Survival now stores and shows you your best wave in the level list

- Also notifies if you are close to your personal best


* While bringing up the chat, you see the last 5 chat messages that has been sent/received


* Serverbrowser now shows how far a game has progressed



- Showing who did the most DPS after each wave!


* Changed DLC Presentation In-Game


* Loads of bug fixes..





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