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My family needs some positive thoughts please ...


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Dear HeLLsGamers Family,


My mommy's big boy, Sunshine, has been diagnosed with cancer. I just got a phone call from my mom on her way back from Ames, Iowa. She took him to Iowa State University to be checked out by one of the best Vet's in the nation.


They had said that the cancer is attached to his whole leg and on his pelvis (and it is really close to his spine). If they were to remove it, they would have to remove his leg & part of his pelvis ..plus he would have to go to Missouri for chemo.


My mom has picked to let life take it's path..it would be too much to put him through.


He is only 12 years old, and we have had him since he was a kitten.




We are praying for a miracle. They happen everyday, why not have one happen to us.


Even if you don't believe in any forum of a religion, positive thoughts are welcome too. He means to world to my mom, and my whole family.



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Awww Jessica this is bad :( my cat pikachu has about the same age and I would go crazy if something happened to her since, just like you guys, we had her since she's been a kitten!

I hope everything will be ok with Sunshine, sending positive thoughts your and his way <3 much love

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