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POST IT UP!! (Part 3)


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Hey HellsGamers,

Sorry for the really long wait between posts, but I've been a little busy. But anyways, for those of you that didn't know, this competition is going to be going on until I am inactive. If you do NOT know what this is, here is the original thread explaining the rules: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/60268...237#post343237

Good luck!


The total points right now are:

Mccain - 4 Points

Mark - 3 Points

Reddevil/Cletus/SilverSwirl - 2 Points

Kimzy/JJK/JessicaJoy - 1 Point.


Here is my favorite video and picture for this week:




Good luck! The winners will be chosen 5/11.




SilverSwirl - 2

JessicaJoy - 1


No points. I've seen them all before and was not impressed. =(

Edited by Muse
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