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OFFICIAL PERP suggestion thread.

Guest yaboui

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Suggestion: Church/Place of religious practice

Example: Belonging to this there's a priest/pastor job. When you pray,after sitting there and paying a $50 fee, say your legs are fixed health restored etc etc. but you have to sit through the whole thing. If you're in a hurry you just go to the hospital for $200.

Pictures Possibly?: No sir

How long should it take like 1 minute and only 5 people can go in at a time

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Suggestion: Church/Place of religious practice

Example: Belonging to this there's a priest/pastor job. When you pray,after sitting there and paying a $50 fee, say your legs are fixed health restored etc etc. but you have to sit through the whole thing. If you're in a hurry you just go to the hospital for $200.

Pictures Possibly?: No sir

How long should it take like 1 minute and only 5 people can go in at a time



Religion is one thing that should never come into this...

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Suggestion: Church/Place of religious practice

Example: Belonging to this there's a priest/pastor job. When you pray,after sitting there and paying a $50 fee, say your legs are fixed health restored etc etc. but you have to sit through the whole thing. If you're in a hurry you just go to the hospital for $200.

Pictures Possibly?: No sir

How long should it take like 1 minute and only 5 people can go in at a time



Religion is one thing that should never come into this...


I didn't make it was jagolt I forgot to quote

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Suggestion: Item slot revamp

Examples: Your primary/secondary slots get revised. You can have 2 slots for any weapon/item combo. (Ex. You can have a pistol and a lockpick or a rifle and a pistol, but no shotgun+rifle combo.) If you have a cell phone (See below suggestions) equipped in one slot, you cannot have a two-handed item equpped.

Pictures possibly?: N/A


Suggestion: Phone animation

Examples: When you bring up your phone, you put any item you have equipped at your side and look down at your phone like a jaywalker would. Whenever you press a button, your character starts interacting with it. This way, people know you aren't afk when you're really talking on the phone.

Pictures possibly?: N/A


Suggestion: Phone upgrades

Examples: You can buy 4 different phone types with different 1st and 3rd person skins and animations. These phone types are:


Keyboard ("Flip") Phone -Cost = $2,000 - Cannot use items when this phone is equipped.

Cell Phone -Cost = $5,000 - The current phone we use. Only pistols, lockpicks, and molotovs can be used when this is equipped. Also affects driving when in use on the road.

IPhone/any smart phone -Cost = $10,000 - A re-skin of the classic cell phone that shows your wealth.

Bluetooth -Cost = $20,000 - You can use items and drive smoothly with this equipped.


Pictures possibly?: N/A

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Suggestion: Item slot revamp

Examples: Your primary/secondary slots get revised. You can have 2 slots for any weapon/item combo. (Ex. You can have a pistol and a lockpick or a rifle and a pistol, but no shotgun+rifle combo.) If you have a cell phone (See below suggestions) equipped in one slot, you cannot have a two-handed item equpped.

Pictures possibly?: N/A


Suggestion: Phone animation

Examples: When you bring up your phone, you put any item you have equipped at your side and look down at your phone like a jaywalker would. Whenever you press a button, your character starts interacting with it. This way, people know you aren't afk when you're really talking on the phone.

Pictures possibly?: N/A


Suggestion: Phone upgrades

Examples: You can buy 4 different phone types with different 1st and 3rd person skins and animations. These phone types are:


Keyboard ("Flip") Phone -Cost = $2,000 - Cannot use items when this phone is equipped.

Cell Phone -Cost = $5,000 - The current phone we use. Only pistols, lockpicks, and molotovs can be used when this is equipped. Also affects driving when in use on the road.

IPhone/any smart phone -Cost = $10,000 - A re-skin of the classic cell phone that shows your wealth.

Bluetooth -Cost = $20,000 - You can use items and drive smoothly with this equipped.


Pictures possibly?: N/A


If this isn't implemented I'll be very sad.

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Suggestion: I think there should be some amendments made to the bank robbing policies. I've noticed that it is very difficult to rob the bank if there are several officers on at a single time. I think that depending on the number of officers online, you should be allowed 'x' number of bank robbers. For example, if there are greater than or equal to 6 combined police officers and SWAT (including police chief) you should be allowed 2 robbers, and if there are 12 combined you are allowed 3 robbers. Doesn't have to be those exact numbers, but the idea of using multiple robbers to counter large numbers of officers should be considered.

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Suggestion: I think there should be some amendments made to the bank robbing policies. I've noticed that it is very difficult to rob the bank if there are several officers on at a single time. I think that depending on the number of officers online, you should be allowed 'x' number of bank robbers. For example, if there are greater than or equal to 6 combined police officers and SWAT (including police chief) you should be allowed 2 robbers, and if there are 12 combined you are allowed 3 robbers. Doesn't have to be those exact numbers, but the idea of using multiple robbers to counter large numbers of officers should be considered.


I'm pretty sure the rule is made for that very reason.


You're supposed to believe the odds are heavily stacked against you. Heck, in real life, if you rob a bank, you might have 10 officers and 5 SWAT against you within minutes.


Plus, you can get like 35k from one bank robbery. I would think the risk v reward would be even enough.

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Suggestion: Wal*Mart or other mega market

Examples: A place where you can but food, certain crafting/planting supplies, etc but instead of hitting e to go to shop, you actually pick up items through the store and take them to the register. Failure to do so trips an alarm system, which is guarded by two store guards, you can then putt everything in the trunk of your car

Pictures possibly?:

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Suggestion: Wal*Mart or other mega market

Examples: A place where you can but food, certain crafting/planting supplies, etc but instead of hitting e to go to shop, you actually pick up items through the store and take them to the register. Failure to do so trips an alarm system, which is guarded by two store guards, you can then putt everything in the trunk of your car

Pictures possibly?:


It'd be a neat idea if this were a super serious PERP server, but since it's Lite, it just sounds like added hassle to me. I prefer getting my stuff all quick-like, anyways.

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You're supposed to believe the odds are heavily stacked against you. Heck, in real life, if you rob a bank, you might have 10 officers and 5 SWAT against you within minutes.


Well in real life you would never rob a bank by yourself. Trust me, I speak from experience; trying to rob a bank by yourself is incredibly stupid.

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Suggestion: I think there should be some amendments made to the bank robbing policies. I've noticed that it is very difficult to rob the bank if there are several officers on at a single time. I think that depending on the number of officers online, you should be allowed 'x' number of bank robbers. For example, if there are greater than or equal to 6 combined police officers and SWAT (including police chief) you should be allowed 2 robbers, and if there are 12 combined you are allowed 3 robbers. Doesn't have to be those exact numbers, but the idea of using multiple robbers to counter large numbers of officers should be considered.


I like that idea, adds a team experience in robbing the bank. Causes both Robbers and Cops to work together.


Only problem is people may start to abuse.

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It still is exploited though, despite how many robbers there are, one single person can still kill 4-6 cops... I have seen people with the skill *cough* hackers *cough*, sorry... Kill them all, even though the rule is only to allow one person to rob the bank, you have bigger and better guns then cops, we have tasers, pistols, and smgs (SWAT), you have M4A1s, Ak47s...


You can get the team experience just by robbing another persons place... I could think of a dozen scenarios that could cause havoc if more then 1 person could rob the bank...


Now if we have inferred vision, smoke/flash grenades, then I'd like this idea, because I enjoy killing/arresting law breakers...

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Pilpest, I slightly disagree. While the average bank robber may have better weapons than a police officer, the SWAT's mp5 is just overpowered. Also, they have much more armor, which makes it incredibly difficult to kill them without incredible skill... *cough* hacks *cough*

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The regular cops pistol is a 2 shot kill that is deadly accurate, and all police have body armor. In a one on one, even with an ak47, the cop still outguns the robber.


Which is how it should be. The robber needs to out-skill the officers to survive.


If you were to rob a bank in real-life (yourself and, I dunno, 4 friends), no matter how hard you try, the odds will always be stacked against you. That's why you use skill to take down the opposition.


Plus, you realize not every single cop in-game is gonna respond to a bank call. Maybe only 2 or 3 in the area (unless it's called in on 911, of course) will respond, making your life a lot easier.


Bottom line: If you have the guts to rob a fucking BANK in the first place, then you shouldn't complain when you're outnumbered 1 to 5.

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Alright so I was sitting here and thought to myself. What if perp had fire alarms? Maybe it could work similar to a house alarm an alert the authorities when a fire is within a building? Maybe you can even attach it to a door like a house alarm? Idk. But all I know is that a fire alarm would really help with all the fires that have been happening in homes lately. Especially with this fire spread xD

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This may be going into the realm of fantasy but...



Suggestion: A Stock Market


Examples: Say you're trying to be law abiding, but don't want to become tied to the Gov't. Your only option is the make and sell guns right? Not with the inclusion of Trading Stocks. Basically there'd be a few basic stocks which were cheap and didn't crash as much but also their worth would only increase by a small amount whenever it did and a few 'advanced' stocks. They'd be more expensive, more prone to crashing, but also be capable of huge leaps in net worth.


Pictures possibly?: No

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Suggestion: A way to protect a weapon dropped by a person (As a cop) so its not stolen and also not taken as evidence but is legal to have.

Example: Someone is raided by a gang and they dropped THEIR shotgun but the cops are forced to take it for $75 so its not stolen and the person loses it.


Suggestion: When no medics are on spawn times are reduced

Example: When there are no firefighters the fires are removed but when theres no medics you still sit there for the full time =(


Suggestion: When a person dies the reason they died floats above their head followed by the time (Time is only seen by medics)

Example: If someone is slayed by an admin they can be seen that way and the medic doesn't waste their time on that person or they can see the timers and know who to help first so its most efficient.

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