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Which Should I Buy?


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Batman and Saints 3 are not time consuming; they took roughly a day of casual play to complete. So, CS:S I guess?


If you're looking for something time consuming, a single-player game probably isn't ideal. If that's more along the lines of what you want, though, then maybe pick up something like Skyrim if you don't already have it.


I would personally go with an online multiplayer game that has a lot of replay value: League of Legends, Dota 2 (might be difficult to get a key), or any subscription based MMORPG.


Honestly though, it's kind of hard to recommend a game to someone without knowing them or the types of games they like.

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CSS, but take the time to learn the actual game and enjoy the team-play of 10mans, not just the stupid humor of jailbreak, which is fun but not a good reason to buy CSS.


I'd also recommend Batman: AC, I haven't played very much but so far it has been pretty enjoyable. Also, it's on sale which is an added bonus :P

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