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Saira Giveaway!


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Alright guys, so I have had the game "Saira" steam code for a while now, and the game just doesnt seem interesting to me. Doesn't sound like something I would be into.


So I'm giving away Saira on Steam to one lucky person


Saira on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/48900/?snr=1_7_suggest__13


So in order to participate in the giveaway, all you have to do is be -hg- to [C] *No Friends of HG*


And post below that you want the game, and tell me your favorite thing about HG, and your least favorite thing about HG


I will probably draw the winner at the end of the week (Saturday) so enter while you can!!!! :D

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I would love to enter :3

-most favourite things = a lot of awesome hunnybunnies <3 and a wicked amount of awesome servers to play on. Most awesome though is teamspeak. Improving my english since 2k11.


EDIT: [10-05, 14:25] HG | Kimzy: You know what I like the most about HG? I am "friends" with SO many people that I would've never even talked to if I would just see them in real life. I got to see the cool side of nerds, the nice side of rock music fans, the sweetness of goths,...

it gives me the opportunity to stop being shallow :) I met people an got to like them and have fun around them,before I even knew what music they listen to or what kind of clothes they wear.What the amount of money in their bank is. /sentimental me.kbai :D


-least favourite: derps keep leaving then reapplying cause they realised there's no such thing as "a lot of better communities out there", and ts that used to get ddosed all the time but let's hope that's over :3

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Most favorite: when the [C] people have the most fucked up conversations in a huge channel of 50 people in ts3.

Least favorite: propkillers in darkrp.


I want teh game.

Edited by Demon
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Dat puzzle platformer.

Favorite thing in HG: The servers, 10 mans, and the community itself.

Least Favorite thing in HG: Derp-ass trolls and recruits that came from Jailbreak and have the maturity and common sense of a 7 year old.

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