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cG Drama Q's


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1. Directed at DC, TC and C.

2. Two questions:


A) Why was cG unbanned in the first place? I had a 110% feeling that they were going to be rebanned. I gave them 1 week; I felt that unbanning them would lead to more drama and hey, look at what's happened. I'm not the only person in HG that had that feeling I think.


B) Why were they rebanned? What did they do differently, or the same, to get rebanned? And what lead them to being banned the first time around?



P.S. How jelly are you that Australia saw The Avengers before the US did? :o

Edited by Angel Descends
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How jelly are you all that we could go see the avengers on the same date the aussies could AND we're not in the middle of nowhere? exactly, I win.


OT: got nothing to say on that, I'm trying to say out of that silly community's drama, think I'm already in there twice as much as I would like to be anyways:p

But I must admit I'm glad they're rebanned.

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