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Darkwing Duck, TS Abuse


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1. Abuser name: Darkwing Duck

2. Their Steam Id: Not Relevant

3. What server: Teamspeak

4. About what time: ~10:35 AM EST


<10:35:48> "Lazarus": STOP BRINGING MORE fa****S

<10:35:55> "Lazarus": OR I STREAM LECTURE AGAIN

<10:35:59> "Navi": lazarus

<10:36:02> "Navi": your the only fa**** here

<10:36:02> "Navi": k

<10:36:05> "Lazarus": GAAAAAAAAAH MORE fa****S

<10:36:11> "Darkwing Duck": Laz

<10:36:13> "Darkwing Duck": stop trolling

<10:36:20> "Lazarus": and u are?

<10:36:23> *** You are now talking in channel: "Tera"

<10:36:30> *** You are now talking in channel: "Realm Of The Mad God"

<10:36:38> "Lazarus": not your place to move someone for typing things

<10:36:40> "Lazarus": in channel chat

<10:36:42> "Darkwing Duck": Im going to ban you

<10:36:43> "Lazarus": of a channel YOU CHOSE to join

<10:36:45> "Darkwing Duck": if you continue to troll

<10:36:51> "Lazarus": im typing... you dont NEED to read it

<10:36:53> "Lazarus": I was here before you

<10:36:55> "Lazarus": and we were doing fine

<10:36:56> "Darkwing Duck": Youre being a dick

<10:36:59> "Lazarus": TO WHO?

<10:37:02> "Darkwing Duck": To Navi

<10:37:06> "Lazarus": WHO am I being a dick to, WHO IS EVEN READING THIS?

<10:37:20> "Lazarus": grow up, welcome to the internet

<10:37:48> "Darkwing Duck": continue talking shit

<10:37:52> "Darkwing Duck": youre gonna get a ban.

6. Please tell us about the incident:

I joined teamspeak during my lecture class to chill in a channel with people. I joined Pizza Guy and Adam's channel in "Realm of the Mad God" and we were fine for a while. I was talking to them in chat while streaming my lecture through my mic to make Adam jelly. After a while Darkwing Duck and Navi joined the channel, for whatever reason. I have been told previously that if I have a known problem with someone, I should not be joining their channel for whatever reason. BOTH these people know that we do not get along well, but BOTH chose to join my channel. Other people started joining, people who I am more friendly with namely MattThePanda and Thunderkitten among others. I then made the tongue-in-cheek remark from before that they should "stop bringing fa****s" into the channel. As I know the people who had joined, I knew they would not be offended. However, Navi took it as a mark at him (was not since he was already IN the channel) and called ME a fa****. Then this conversation occurred during which he moved me out of the channel once and threatened to ban me.


Though an actual abuse of power did not occur, he threatened to do so and IMO needs to be talked to about keeping his personal opinions out of how he acts as an HG manager.

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no see people can join whatever channel they want, maybe they wanted to talk to pizza or someone; You don't have exclusive rights to a channel and from what you've posted it seems like you're the one that instigated the whole confrontation by calling them fa****s. Now I might be able to understand this better if say you were in a channel by yourself and they joined it to instigate something.

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no see people can join whatever channel they want, maybe they wanted to talk to pizza or someone; You don't have exclusive rights to a channel and from what you've posted it seems like you're the one that instigated the whole confrontation by calling them fa****s. Now I might be able to understand this better if say you were in a channel by yourself and they joined it to instigate something.


Did not call them fa****s. They were already in the channel when I had said that. People I was referring to are people who I know I am "cool with" and would not be offended by that because they know I don't mean it. In my incident from a while ago with Blind Uni, I was told that their retaliation to my presence was my fault because knowing any "bad blood", I should not have joined the channel in the first place. For them to join a channel I was already in then claim "trolling" when I'm not even talking to or about them, and then for him to threaten to ban me for it is the problem here.

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The people who joined after them (something that just happens when a channel gets populated at inactive times of the day). Namely, MattThePanda, Thunderkitten, death (Adam), and I think Fulcata as I was leaving. All four of these people I am "friends" with (as much as internet people can be friends) and I know they would not be offended at that because I call my "friends" shit names all the time. For whatever reason they (navi and DD) got mad at me about it, mad at me for talking the way I normally do in a channel I inhabited before they joined, and he threatened to ban me over it.

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Here is a link of the full conversation: http://i.imgur.com/LzWtd.jpg


Navi and I came into the channel after Lazarus left, to play League with Richie and Pizza Guy. Lazarus then came back into the channel and proceeded to call Navi and I fa****s. I completely ignored the entire situation for a while to see if he would simply stop, but he continued on and on. I nicely asked him to stop, and he replied to me "and you are?", so I stated that I was going to temp ban him if he did not stop trolling, because Navi was getting pretty upset. He didnt stop so I simply moved him out of the channel, because I don't like banning people. He came back into the channel and continued to troll, so I stated once more if he continues hes going to get temporarily banned. In the end I went back to ignoring him and asked Navi to just ignore him aswell. And as a side note, those people that Laz claimed were in the channel didnt come into the channel until after this whole incident occured.


(Sorry for the long story)


Edit: Here is more proof of Navi and I waiting for Laz to leave the channel before joining, and then Laz coming back into the channel immediately after. (Look at the times on the left with concurrence to the first screenshot) : http://i.imgur.com/QoKgs.jpg

Edited by Darkwing Duck
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From what I saw, I was watching the chat the entire time. He wasn't directly calling anyone a fa****. As much as a troll as laz is, he's just dumb some times. I honestly don't think a move was needed or the threat of a ban, but I guess if you don't know laz you could take it wrong. It wasn't right of laz to talk like that anyways, but he does it anyways to everyone. It's annoying, but he wasn't like saying "YOU'RE ALL fa****S" or something like that.

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All due respect, he was sitting there calling us fa****s directly after joining the channel, also Navi was complaining that he was really upset by the entire thing, and I just told him to ignore the situation. There is hard evidence in the screenshots(Look at the times when Laz left the channel and then we joined Realm channel, and then Laz rejoined Realm. Then look at the time in the first screenshot where he called us "fa****s")

Edited by Darkwing Duck
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Well this is weird, Darkwing actually took screenshots (It's not fucking hard to do people) of the situation while you provided select copypasta which is precisely why we friggin ignore it because it's just context you chose to submit. At 10:25:36 only Laz, Adam, Pizza, Richie, Navi, and Darkwing were present in the channel which means YOU DIRECTED THE FIRST "fa****" COMMENT AT THEM. You even go so far as to claim that they shouldn't read chat....how does that even make sense?

Edited by Weeman
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I left the first time to see if Taylor was afk or busy, she was afk, so I came back. Had nothing to do with them joining and me "looking for trouble." I did not remember the initial comment, though it was not directly in reference to them but to the number of people in general. That may be hard to believe, but that is the case and I cannot back that or respond to rebuttal about it. I can only say the first comment was in general to the number of people (3 to 6) and how it had changed from when I was first in the channel. It wasn't an attack directly at them, just at the number of people. However, I do see why it came off that way (and don't hold it against you if you don't believe me on that note either) and understand why he was put off by it. I apologize for the initial comment.


I also could not hear anything they were saying (during a gov lecture) so if he was expressing concern, my apologies. The second comment was again in general, not at specific people. As richie says, that's just more or less how I talk. If they were offended or thought I was specifically targeting them, I am sorry and can say that is not the case. Was mostly a lack of communication as I could not hear what they were saying over mic and they could not know in context whether or not my use of "fa****" was a direct attack at them or a general remark at the number of people.


In the end it was a joke. If people felt targeted or offended over it, that was not my intention and I take fault for that. However, the move and threat did not seem at the time (and even now) warranted for what occurred. I was there to talk to and pester Adam and Pizza Guy, and this incident happened as a result.




And I was not saying they shouldn't read chat but that from what I could tell, they WEREN'T reading it because no one was responding to me. There was not a reply to what I said earlier, so from my perspective everyone was busy playing games or doing their own thing and could not read what I was typing. Because of that I could not get why Darkwing was taking my comments offensively as if I was targeting them because frankly, I was not. If they were voicing concerns over mic, then my apologies for once again I could not hear them.

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Don't you think you should probably not talk like that? if the number changes by 2 and the people who caused that change of 2 are the ones you don't get a long with and you make the "fa****" comment, of course it's not going to reflect well especially if that's your go-to way of talking.

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Don't you think you should probably not talk like that? if the number changes by 2 and the people who caused that change of 2 are the ones you don't get a long with and you make the "fa****" comment, of course it's not going to reflect well especially if that's your go-to way of talking.


Honestly I didn't look at who the people were at first. As you can see from the screens, there was less than 10 seconds between when I rejoined and when I typed what I did. Had I recognized who it was, I probably wouldn't have used that language, but frankly I did not. I guess this goes on how cognizant I am of the people around (similar to the fallout between Blind Uni and I), and I take full blame for that.

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so makes this whole thread look pretty dumb huh?


No, because not once in what anyone has posted (my paste or his SS) did he say "stop calling Navi a fa****" or "you are offending navi and this is why." Instead he straight calls me a troll and Navi straight calls me a fa****, without details as to where either remark was coming from. Had I KNOWN why he was upset with me, then sure it could have been dealt with. Instead he moved me from the channel and threatened to ban me after doing little more than saying "you're being a troll" without an explanation as to how I was doing so.


From what I could tell, no one was reading what I was typing. If they honestly were that offended by it, they could easily say "this is SPECIFICALLY what you are doing wrong" and it could be dealt with. If he had time to say "you're being a troll" multiple times, he could easily give a reason why. My apologies if they took offense at what I said, but it was not specifically directed at anyone. My gripe is that they took something out of context and I was threatened about it without an explanation as to why.

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No, because not once in what anyone has posted (my paste or his SS) did he say "stop calling Navi a fa****" or "you are offending navi and this is why." Instead he straight calls me a troll and Navi straight calls me a fa****, without details as to where either remark was coming from. Had I KNOWN why he was upset with me, then sure it could have been dealt with. Instead he moved me from the channel and threatened to ban me after doing little more than saying "you're being a troll" without an explanation as to how I was doing so.


From what I could tell, no one was reading what I was typing. If they honestly were that offended by it, they could easily say "this is SPECIFICALLY what you are doing wrong" and it could be dealt with. If he had time to say "you're being a troll" multiple times, he could easily give a reason why. My apologies if they took offense at what I said, but it was not specifically directed at anyone. My gripe is that they took something out of context and I was threatened about it without an explanation as to why.


They didn't take it out of context at all, you came back in and made the comment, they were the only ones who joined its your fucking fault for not looking at who joined. And people shouldn't have to tell you "hey man you should probably stop calling me a fa**** if we don't get along." Also how did you know there were new people in the channel if you "didn't look in the first place" or maybe I'm understanding this incorrectly and you like to look at names but not register it in your head. And if this has occured with someone else then you're the fucking problem Laz, stop being an idiot we reinstated the old drama policy for this crap. You're a god dam veteran you shouldn't have to be told to "be aware of whos around you" especially if you don't get along with people the whole point of the tag is to signify that you understand all the policies of HG. This thread is over and you have been warned, also no proof so not abuse.

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The full on retard present in this thread has given me Stupid Disease. Fucking dumb.


Anyways, while the TS is "open and free" for all, some people have established channels they frequent. If it's common knowledge someone goes to that channel, and you don't get along with them, don't go to that channel. You on a fucking computer for Christ's sake, there's literally thousands of ways you can contact someone without using TS.


Let me break this down into little tiny pieces so everyone here can understand:


Lazarus: Take note of who gets butthurt easily. I know you like to use...inflammatory rhetoric, but you need to watch who you say it to. You can call me a fucking shitcock ballsack cocknuts, I don't give a fuck. However, some take offense to your...wordcrafting. Also, be less Asian please.


Darkwing/Navi: You should know by now Lazarus can be abrasive sometimes. However, at the same time you should know for the most part he is just joking around. If it's really a problem, leave the channel. I doubt he would follow you.


Richie: Get on my level kid.


Fulcata: Go have some raptor sex in your new game.



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