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1. Leadership of the Strategy division

2. A) I haven't seen strategy events in quite a while. (Not mentioning the practice tournaments that O-Prime has ran.) In the future with Dota2 being released, will there be more events?


2. B) lpkane has mentioned putting Dota2 in ESEA. If it does happen, will we have a team in league for it?

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Im currently in the works of organizing or well, fine tuning, the actual tournament, details/meeting will be posted soon just to finalize everything. Dota2 will be a big improvement on strategy and im looking to gathering a force there and definitely have events for it, if you have ideas either pm me or branflake!


As for your second question, if you have a team in mind then just send me the details and i will decide if we can throw the hg name on it, I'm definitely interested into how involved and how good people play at the game. I will only decide something once i have enough information to back myself up.


Thanks for the questions!

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but I have some ideas for some group arams like once a month where we can get together and play.

Also I have already invited everyone who can play in the 5v5 ranked team and as soon as finals are over ill be setting dates where we can get enough to play some games together.

If anyone has any ideas let me know. I would love to get some dota 2 stuff going, i gotta get better at it though

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