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Super Skreech Admin Abuse.


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1. Abuser name:Super Screech

2. Their Steam Id:N/A

3. What server:Perp LITE

4. About what time: 5ish pm yesterday

5. PROOF: The Proof is in the pudding.

6. Please tell us about the incident: Temp banned, this was Super Screech's breakdown:


1. I talked to you about you driving over the grass, You then said there are no laws in effect. I told you that the rules have changed you walked off calling me a rule. This had noting to do with the ban (this is true, I did call him a rule much like someone would call another person a towel)


2. 5 min pass and you went through town at a high rate of speed on the worng side of the road killing 2 people i then disabled your car, to talk to you about what you had done, you then proceeded to disrespect me by calling me names and cussing me out.


^^This is what IS absolute bullshit and I suggest you do interviews or something to filter out the people who bring emotions to their admin positions. You can check the server logs if you really want to, I'm sure nobody was recording at the time and this will get nowhere BUT I killed one person because he jumped out in the middle of the road and I absolutely could not avoid it, he then noclipped after me as a cop trying to ticket me, so I drove away. He blew up my car (disrupting gameplay) and then I mentioned the fact that he was disrupting gameplay and adminning while taking up a police slot. I'm trying so hard to treat this kid with respect but it's hard when I get banned for something THIS stupid. I hardly disrespected him and I NEVER insulted him. I'll wait out the ban, that's fine, but to put this BS against my record with no proof? That is unjust. If you can't request someone to get banned or lose admin due to heresay, how come an admin who clearly is emotionally unstable and can't handle his power ban me with nothing but heresay? I just want this on the record, I know that there is no proof, but theres no proof of what happened with us either. Nothing is going to happen, I'll have to wait out my ban, I'm getting used to your admins I guess, but I shouldn't have to. Admins should be mature enough to solve situations calmly and get the whole story, not issue out bans left and right because they never took the time to understand what happened.


That is what you are banned for, this is your 4th ban for disrespect. If you keep doing this you will not longer be welcome on our servers. This kind of stuff will not be tolerated.


wait out the ban

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Copy and pasting text isn't valid since it can be modified by anyone


and since there is no way to verify the integrity or authenticity of the information provided, it is not valid.


We require demos and/or screenshots of the original incident.

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I don't know what else to tell you, theres absolutely no evidence that anything happened. Only Skreech's account and mine. I know you'll take his over mine any day, but that's the sad part because he blatantly lied about it on the forums and banned me for no good reason. He didn't take any time to assess the situation and find out what the hell happened, he jumped straight to the ban hammer, disrupting gameplay and taking up a cop slot at the same time.

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Then it's not abuse and certainly won't be construed as any,

I did read the unban but I was presupposing you had more evidence to back up your assertions of being 'abused' or any of the assertions your reply give.

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I'd like to speak to skreech on steam or something, but we'll see where that goes. Either way it's horseshit and I have absolutely no respect for him as an admin, we'll see where that leads me down the line. This ban was horseshit and theres no evidence that any of it happened. Going by your rules, why am I banned? Theres no evidence.

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I would suggest you speak with him.


The ban itself is certainly contestable IF and ONLY if what you say is true. We give upper management a bit of leeway on what they do, so while they may not have to create ban reports, they are called upon to be professional, abide by all server rules and keep the servers in check.

There isn't any reason to be disparaging towards them.

If they've wronged you, provide the proper proof (other than your interpretation of events since anyone can misconstrue a course of events).


As per our guidelines, not abuse due to lack of substantiating evidence. There is nothing more to be said or done.

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