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He probablly uses wall hack


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this is the same damn guy i have demos of for proof if needed. I was gunna ban this guy the other day but i wasn't sure if he was walling or not. Thats somthing else seeing someone else picked him out as well. So i'm gunna say he probably is.

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Well as far as I've seen and played with a lot of legit players, for example 4answer, his kpm is only 4.5 and he's crazily good that all of other players think he's hacking, but the case never really been solved. I just add this kpm facts just to point out more on the top of his hacking, but the demos themselves speak louder than anything.

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really? your using those demos?...ok..well i would say that if you watch it, you would realize that i have no idea whats going on in areas that are hidden(hence why i get killed alot from people on the other side of the boxes). For wall hackers you have to watch what happens in the peripherals to and see how they react when things occur. I would tell you that every place i looked are all common places, they correspond with the flow of that map(your spawn points, and migration patterns of people playing) ...i would like to have an example of clear cut that i apparently cheat? because i can give you examples of me dying from players coming out of the paripheral and killng me, because i did not know they were there.. Also i would recommend not using stats, because i have admined pub servers before and my experience has found hackers at almost every kpd ratio, and Kill per min. On the same token, i have also seen go vitually deathless, and be completely legit. In Fact, the easy hackers are those who rack up massive kill Ratios which are much more astronomical then 7 per min...thats only 1 kill every 8 seconds....your avg human reaction is 0.3. you should be able to easy bring that down to 1 kill per every 4 seconds Legitly......its pretty easy to find people on this server....i honestly cant see how those 2-3 min clips really tell your more then the fact that i understand where the spawn points are on the map...which isnt that hard to see... so please tell me where in the 2-3 min clip demo is my cheat?

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Well didn't I say I thought you might wallhack? I would have banned you since you were in game if i was sure you were hacking. I posted in here so people, esp staffs/councils, can review and decide on it. And you were banned cuz your case had been reviewed, and decision was that you are banned. I clearly said that I didn't depend upon your stats to make a decision. It is just a small fact that might distributed to the fact that you're hacking.


Once again, I just did my part when I doubt someone, and the decision was made by staffs/councils. This decision clearly show that your case had been reviewed and looked upon.


If you're hacking, would you try to cover your hack or show it off to make it obvious?


You totally have a right to dispute or request an unban request with a really good reason. But you don't want to make your request over here because staffs/councils won't look at this thread no more when it was titled as BANNED. There is a thing call Unban Request Forum where you request to get unban with sufficient reasons.

Edited by BuLLeTz_FrEaK
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lmao i been playing css since 1.2 dude witch been about 8 years now and i never seen anyone get a kd like that in deathmatch honestly nor that many kills that fast in deathmatch!


There was no version 1.2. Geek.

1.0 - 1.3 - 1.5 - 1.6


He will be unbanned. Unban Request

We have him on record. He should be good to go, but if not, get additional proof.


Thanks for the report.

Edited by vandium
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