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Unban please.


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1. Your in-game name: Nanakies -HG-

2. Server that you where banned on: Death run

3. The Banning admin: koth*

4. Your Steam-Id STEAM_0:0:16235950

5. Reason for ban: I made him mad, And i think "Fuck your mother made him ban me."


I got muted i was going to say sorry but i couldn't and i didn't want to disconnect and come back and have


him ban me for running away from the mute.


I would like to say can you please unban me, I know what i did was wrong and i will never do it again.


I'm sorry if that made koth* mad, I tired to change my name back to what it was but it said i had to wait, i


would of told you, But i had to wait but i was muted so i am sorry.



I really do enjoy your servers and i wasn't trying to be mean at koth*




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If you go to Global Ban and search by the ID he gives in the OP, it shows a *Koth or w/e as the admin. Click the admin's name and google the steam ID on the stats page, matches this guy's ID in his HG forum account.


Plus if banned himself, the banning admin and banned player should have the same name in the global banlist.


Put lightly, odd...

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Exactly. Posted steam does not match the banning admin, nor his stored steam in forum account. It is impossilbe for two account to have same ID.


No action taken by staff on this until a godly explanation.

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Godly explanation? why it has to godly lol. Oh wow so none of the steams (himself and the admin) match the steam he posted? can u check the steam out to see who is it belonged to? lol this guy must have never been in this website at all. And worst, he has admin in two servers. LOL

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I have no idea, i wish i would just be unban tho i'm really sorry for this all to had happened.


Also the Steam id i posted, belongs to me my name is changed in my profile



=(eGO)=™ Angeal


When i come to your servers i change my name In CSS, And make it Nanakies -HG-, And i was thinking of joining since i really like your servers.


Just wanted to put that out there, And i don't wanna seem rude here.

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