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The Corleone Family is Recruiting! Experienced Members only (1 Day played req.)


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The Corleone Family of HG Evo city are now recruiting experienced and mature members! We are expanding and getting more powerful each day.


If you join:

-Security when growing drugs

-A free gun

-$2,000 every time you find a new member (who meets requirements below)

-A respectable group of people who watch each others back

-A grand PERP experience



-At least 1 day played


-Age 15+ only, we are more lenient with the age factor

-Growing drugs knowledge, weapons knowledge

-Reply to this Thread with amount of time played and age and in-game name

-A mic or at least a decent typist

-Knowledge of /org chat, dear god lets hope so

-Ability to follow orders from higher ranking member in our Family


Ranks (Ascending):





-Capo (Captain)



-Don (Michael Corleone)


Becoming a Soldier means you are a Made-Man and therefore will have more pleasures and riches than those below you.


Once you become a Capo, you are required to change your last name to Corleone


Being accepted makes you an official member of the Hellsgamers Evo City Mafia.


See you in game (;

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