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First Cell and Kitchen Teleport and Other Issues


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I agree. I don't think a "CT whitelist" or ct requirements is good for the game. Yes, it would prevent some bad leads, but (1) there are other ways to get rid of bad leads (2) it would make the ratio way off (3) it would limit good leads.


(1) !fire. Problem solved.

(2) With all the perks and rewards that T's get now from gangs, so many people who once frequented CT have become primarily T players. Adding a whitelist sense would simply exacerbate that shift.

(3) It's hard to "measure up" the qualities that you would like to see in a Lead CT. It's also somewhat childish to do so honestly. I mean we're talking about a video game here... and even more a mod on that video game. Let's not get overly manipulative of how it runs.


CTs have always been stupid. Ts have always had an advantage. And yet the server has been fine, been populated, and been fun for MANY YEARS before I even found HG. Ain't broke... why fix?

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As of yesterday's map version, knife arena vents are only breakable by pushing the button in the tunnels underneath (next to the light switch button)


As for the the location of the "1st Cell ==> Armory" teleport destination, I will let JJK know about your thread. It seems you have good points.

yes i saw that today. very good. (thanks to whoever made the edit)

i just feel cts should be able to look down for 10seconds (ish) into the vents.

i made a post agreeing with no whitelist earlier, and after bonbon's post its prolly best to keep joining CT how it is so far, because the ratio has already been lower than 1:2 recently.

to Laz - i know its a video game, just trying to make things more fun. I don't believe T's have an INHERENT advantage, the CT's do, but bad CT players or T coordination could shift the advantage to T.

i was around for a couple years to (before i joined the forums obv) and i remember how it was and it was fun and worked fine, but when you add and implement a whole bunch of new things you have to fix a few kinks that come along with it.

thanks to all for their responses.

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