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Abuse report: -hg- jajolt


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1. Abuser name: -hg- jajolt

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:44428981

3. What server: DarkRP

4. About what time: 5:35 PM EST

5. PROOF: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21637030/jajoltabuse.dem http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21637030/Jajoltabuse.png

6. Please tell us about the incident: I said "dat nlr" into ooc, He goes to me, and instead of just pming me, he phys guns me repeatedly when I tried to walk away, threatened to kick me for not listening to him, and froze me. He also did not check to see if I was an admin first, which I was. He also threatens to report me for blackmailing.

Edited by Vao
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Nice one,

Is this the one you kept threatening me with and then I said sorry let's work it out after I found out and you denied?

He was blackmailing me for whatever reason, I threatened to file for abuse because of blackmail but I decided to be mature and let it be.

I never threatened anything, I told you you should have said that you were an admin and I would have stopped, not to mention you were ganging up on me (Technically cyberbullying me along with Hyperactive because for whatever reason, again.


He didn't respond.


I admit, I should have checked to see if he was an admin first. I'm sorry, next time (if you are so kind to grant me a next time) I will ulx who before freezing or physgunning someone.






Let's wait for [c]+ now.

Edited by jajolt
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I have barely interacted with you before. I do not know what you are talking about in regards to cyber bullying. Also, it is not up to us to 'Work it out'. This is not between you and I. This happened on a Hellsgamers server, so they should decide whether it is abuse or not. The reason I did not say I was admin was because sometimes I enjoy playing DarkRP anonymously, without having the responsibilities (Even though paid admins don't have to administrate, I still get asked a lot).

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It is between us if you have a personal problem with me I would like to hear about it, I would much rather be told that I am disliked than reported.

If you said in admin chat you were admin I would leave it anonymous, I don't like having to deal with the whole ULX who thing as it takes a second and I'd rather just ask. I should have known, but I usually figure out this thing.

The cyberbullying, while not a huge deal, I do not appreciate being called a fag by other admins.

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I do not have a problem with you, nor have I ever called you a fag. Let's now wait until someone reviews this and stop arguing.


EDIT: I do have a bit of a problem with you editing your post saying Let's wait for a [c]+ to make it look like I continued arguing, though.

Edited by MisterInvalid
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1. This is not abuse, he had some suspicion so he wanted to talk to you, you kept walking away and shouting "abuse abuse", you could of just said "im a admin, i did nothing wrong please stop" except you decided to bait him and cause problems.


2. From the looks of this demo you just seem to be causing problems to get a reaction from jajolt, even though he shouldn't of used his powers on you, you didn't identify yourself until last minute and this could of just been dealt with by just a quick "oh sorry didn't know"


Not abuse and both of you please stop acting like children.

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