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votescramble for tf2?


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I hate badgering digitalshot all the time. I asked him about why votescramble doesn't work in cp_orangex3 anymore or if the command changed and he told me to sodomize myself then he began to sob and scream "why me"

So I figured i'd ask here, !votescramble and any other variant I could think of do nothing and it's not in the admin menu panel or command list anymore. callvote works but evrything except votekick is disabled. Not sure if it got disabled after the switch , but it would really help to have this back since teams can end up pretty stacked at times.





Also, can callvote be fixed? I was trying to figure out who was votekicking people yesterday and erronously thought it was only VIPS that had this ability. It seems anyone can use callvote and anytime they do it seems to pass instantly, as soon as its called. I've had several different users tell me of about a dozen different players who have been votekicked and banned from the server for an hour(for no reasonable reason)

Edited by tunafizzle
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  • 2 months later...



I can use the command "!scramble" on the Euro server, but not on the USA one. Not sure why the USA one is different. It would be good to be able to use a scramble command when the game is dragging a bit - it helps to shake things upo a bit...


-hg- bean$


EDIT: Using command as Admin - should have added this!

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