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My 2 Cents


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Why are so many people who are in steam communities xG, cG, and NxN getting banned? Just because you have something against the actual clan doesnt mean the people who like to play there have anything against anyone else. I just think that banning EVERYONE who are in their steam groups is very excessive. Im an admin myself, i too have some beef with other clans, but that doesnt mean we always ban them. We do what everyone should do, if someones causing trouble, then ban or kick them, but if you are only apart of a community because you like their servers and getting banned for that reason then that seems way to power hungry, weve had problems exactly like this is all my games i admin, and it causes too much drama...just giving my 2 cents...i just hope that you guys can lift these ridiculous reasons to ban someone.

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We have chosen to ban certain clans for our protection and to better our clan. Without these bans problems would most definitely occur on our servers. Even though some innocent people may be banned, it stops more trouble causers then innocent people. Like I said, we have chosen to ban this clans for a reason, and they will most likely stay.


It's not like its that difficult to get unbanned anyway, if you're banned for being in a banned clan, it can take less then 10 minutes to get unbanned.


Every clan has been banned because of a serious reason.

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