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Banned off Perp, permanently


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Hey, so the other day, I got banned off your HG Perp servers, for mass CDM, I admit it, I was being a stupid idiot, hence why I got a ban, but I just think permanently is a bit unfair? It was my first ban too, so all I'm asking on this thread is for my ban to be atleast reduced, I'm not asking for something major, for example, my ban to be lifted, because I admit it, I deserve to be banned for atleast a short period of time, I also wouldn't be asking if this wasn't my first time being banned.. But yeah, I only just started playing the server to, so I was just getting used to the rules.. I mean I personally thought I could go on a rebelling spree and kill policemen, because that's the only people I did CDM, but I guess I was wrong, thus making me a complete idiot, haha! But yeah, if you could make my ban just a short period of time instead of permantly, I would be very grateful. Thank you for reading! :)


If you do decide to shorten my ban, my steam ID is:



Thank you again!


p.s. I am not sure what admin banned me! :)

Edited by Vao
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  • Executive Council

Ban shortened to 5 days. Make sure this doesn't repeat itself.


~Temp banned

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