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Laz abusing yet again.


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HG| Lazarus




The HG Jailbreak server


About 3:30 NST (-3:30 GST)


http://www.hellsgamers.com/bans Ban reason: I banned someone else for racism so you troll with Snickers.


Someone said the n word and then denied it, Laz asked "Well what did you say then" or something like that. I thought it would be silly to say "nah man he didnt say that he said snickers" Just foolin around. The next round I said "Man I love snickers..." And thats legit all i said. Nothing else, not really trolling to begin with. Just being honest.. who doesnt love snickers. And he was like... BAN. What the fudge? xD I know laz is already on a short leash, with his forums privilages being taken away. And i never liked the guy. He is the biggest troll on the server and abuses all the time. He thinks he is right all the time just cause he has been on the server for a while. Just take away his admin ffs and be done with it. I meant no harm and i wasnt trolling. I was just trying to be silly.

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Since Laz is temp forum banned he asked me to add his response (copy paste of steam conversation)



Never tell your password to anyone.

maandag 28 mei 2012

21:14 - HG | Avan Jogia: hey kimzy

21:14 - HG | Avan Jogia: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/68892-Laz-abusing-yet-again

21:15 - HG | Avan Jogia: mind posting myr esponse for me, cant cuz im banned

21:15 - HG | Kimzy [A] - schoolwork.: sure lazzy!

21:15 - HG | Avan Jogia: Alright... lets see

21:15 - HG | Avan Jogia: 1. No proof. All reports need proof.

21:16 - HG | Avan Jogia: 2. I banned an HG recruit earlier for letting the N-word slip out twice (Constantin). I warned him not to and he let it happen again so I gave him an hour-long break.

21:16 - HG | Avan Jogia: 3. You were trolling on your mic with, "I bet he just said Snickers." and "What's wrong with snickers?" Last thing we as admins need when trying to enforce server rules is someone trolling us for it.

21:17 - HG | Avan Jogia: 4. He then typed to us with @chat complaining that I banned someone for saying "snickers." I warned him to quit trolling and that I woldn't tolerate it.

21:18 - HG | Avan Jogia: 5. The next round, the FIRST THING out of his mouth when T's were unmuted at 5:30 was "Man I love snickers." Too much trolling. I gave you an hour break to get you out of the server and let us who want to play the game without being obnoxious trolls get back to that.

21:19 - HG | Avan Jogia: 6. My forum ban and my acess to privileges are not up to you, do not come to the forums and attack me about something you do not understand. You were trolling hard and got the hour break that you deserve.

21:19 - HG | Avan Jogia: jsut copy paste all that in XD make a note that avan jogia is me

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21:26 - HG | Avan Jogia: I had kicked bluesky earlier for something just as stupid. He knows he is on thin rice with me, and pushed the limits for no reason. And as I said in my earlier post, I did warn you. You then decided that wasn't important and opened your mouth again. It's an hour break, one that should be over any minute now. Don't act out and things like this won't happen.

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21:17 - HG | Avan Jogia: 4. He then typed to us with @chat complaining that I banned someone for saying "snickers." I warned him to quit trolling and that I woldn't tolerate it.

1. I was not complaining.. i was just messin around and i typed a ;) and :P with it. Sorry if you have no sense of humour.


21:15 - HG | Avan Jogia: 1. No proof. All reports need proof.

2. My proof is the reason i was banned. http://www.hellsgamers.com/bans :"Racism ban leads to you trolling with Snickers? Bye."


21:16 - HG | Avan Jogia: 3. You were trolling on your mic with, "I bet he just said Snickers." and "What's wrong with snickers?" Last thing we as admins need when trying to enforce server rules is someone trolling us for it.

3. I deffinatly wasnt spamming. Sure I might have said a couple sentences like " He said snickers" just after you asked "what did you saÿ? " to the offender. It was just a joke though.


21:18 - HG | Avan Jogia: 5. The next round, the FIRST THING out of his mouth when T's were unmuted at 5:30 was "Man I love snickers." Too much trolling. I gave you an hour break to get you out of the server and let us who want to play the game without being obnoxious trolls get back to that.

4. I didnt know the server was anti snickers. I was being legit. No one had said anything after I said he said snickers. So that conversation was done with, I guess it was a bad joke, I had it forgot about. saying "I love snickers" is not a bannable offence.


5. You calling me a troll is retarded. Your the biggest troll on the server and many many people agree with me. So dont be hypocrytical.


Also if you would like me to post a screen shot of my whole console to show that I didnt spamm admin chat, and that I recieved no warning.. atleast via private message.. a screenshot wouldnt prove that i recieved no warning via mic than I will. Its still all in my console.

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You got lucky he only banned you for 2 hours if it were me in the server you would of been off with a perma for being a troll and being a jackass on that one.


And also coming on here and calling people trolls when you are one yourself isnt a good idea. Wait out your ban.

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