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Abuse by Noncheater


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1. Abuser name: Noncheater ( an "~" above the second N)

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:19383617

3. What server: hellsgamers.com.uk Orange x3

4. About what time:6 :43 PM

5. PROOF: witnessed many timesby other players and several VIP's


6. Please tell us about the incident: Today, among other days, Noncheater has changed his gravity to 0.0000 and has used his Admin abilities to grief other players. When confronted by this, he banned me from the server. I made te situation known to Tuna, and it has been witnessed by [Dex]Mr. B!ll in a few past games.

Edited by RedDevil6193
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I would like to add that no advanced warning was given to me, in vioation of the rules of the server and thse for admin. What he has done is a clear abuse of power; not only this one time but several times in the past few weeks.

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How about ASKING the witness that I stated in my initial report? [Dex]Mr. B!ll ....Add him to your steam friend list and talk to him. He was there when Noncheater first started doing it as an admin. What you need to do is maybe py a vist once in a while to your own servers and just spectate the crap that goes in there...blatant cheating...hacking....and not just by the "regular players". There are other VIP's and Admins abusing their authority in there.

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How about ASKING the witness that I stated in my initial report? [Dex]Mr. B!ll ....Add him to your steam friend list and talk to him. He was there when Noncheater first started doing it as an admin. What you need to do is maybe py a vist once in a while to your own servers and just spectate the crap that goes in there...blatant cheating...hacking....and not just by the "regular players". There are other VIP's and Admins abusing their authority in there.


This is a volunteer service for a fucking video game community not an office job. We're not going to take time out of our lives to go in and watch every server in an 800+ member commmunity. If thats an issue for you then play on another server, this is why we have the report system, so you can PROVIDE PROOF when we aren't there so we have an idea to ban someone. How hard is it to hit the f12 key? or type screenshot in console or type record demoname. and "I SEEN IT" from a random person doesn't provide any proof whatsoever. Where is the credibility on a he said/she said form of evidence?

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His username is nonhacker actually. Him and another new admin, kingfoster, have been kicking/banning regular players without cause or warning. As well as turning beacon on all players and leaving it on with the excuse of: "I don't know how to turn it off"

I asked nonhacker about why he kicked/banned labelguy and he said it was only a one hour ban and that he was disrespecting an admin. I can't get to a chatlog on gameme for the orange co.uk server so I can't see what was said but I'm guessing labelguy had a problem with him using admin commands to his advantage and nonhacker didn't say he warned him or anything prior to banning.

At any rate there probley isn't enough evidence to do anything here, so I guess i'm going to just start recording a demo soon as I see them(nonhacker/kingfoster) in the serv and letting it run and I'd advise labelguy to do the same.

It'll probley work itself out over time if they keep this up.


The best I managed to grab was a screenshot of the other admin, kicking another one of the regular players:


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Whoah Weeman...I know this sn't a regular job for you, but the best proof I could provide was an atual witness from one of your VIP's who could corroborate things. It isn't a matter of he said/she said, and there was no eed for you blatant disrespect towards me.


Anyway, Tuna just posted, as he PERSONALLY knows of some flaky admins and vips on the servers in question.

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Whoah Weeman...I know this sn't a regular job for you, but the best proof I could provide was an atual witness from one of your VIP's who could corroborate things. It isn't a matter of he said/she said, and there was no eed for you blatant disrespect towards me.


Anyway, Tuna just posted, as he PERSONALLY knows of some flaky admins and vips on the servers in question.


You came onto our forums, completely disreguarded the rules, then claim it is overrun with cheaters and abusers yet you have made no personal effort that requires the press of a finger to provide proof, so you bet your ass i'm gonna tell you to piss off considering the amount of people who do the same dam thing.


Now on the other hand tunafizzle has done something about it already, he has taken a screenshot of an admin using his powers with a steam ID. Now we can atleast attempt to match the time, IDs and commands used via server logs if they were recorded properly. So thank you tunafizzle you have been more productive than you think with even the simplest of screenshots but definitely keep taking screenshots and/or demos especially if a gravity command is used as that is NOT allowed under any circumstance.

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