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Laz abuse report, then again.


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1. Abuser name: Lazarus

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:18265306

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 10pm.


6. Please tell us about the incident:

Alright, this is just another post about Lazarus abusing his admin, because there isn't enough of those out there. Very simple, I was being lead, when I got down to a certain amount of T's, I decided to do one day I invented my self, which is pretty simple once explained (what I did about 5 times to make sure everyone got it.). I got this game approved by a division leader, RedDevil. He said the game was just fine and was playable. I also did this game numerous times before and no complains were made. Here are the rules, quite simple : It is just like a last reaction first reaction, but, instead of saying on the mic ''last reaction jump'' or ''first reaction jump'', I ask a question. Every time the answer is 1, they have to jump, last one dies. Every time the answer isn't 1, its like a first reaction, so, they shouldn't jump unless they want to die. I do this game for fun but also because it removes the ''instant jump'' when someone says last reaction then crouch....It makes the T's think a little bit as well. Soo, where's the incident ? As I started to play my day, I gave the T's an example, 2-1...


Said that if that were to be the question, they would have had to jump, last one dies, then I said here we go. Started playing, got threw 1 round. 2 guys didnt feel like playing, like it always happens when you do last reactions first reactions and started running around. I killed them. Laz typed down to stop playing, which I didn't see by the way, everyone spams chat all the time, and maybe he said it on mic, I can't tell, 2 people we're running around and screaming while I killed them. He then slayed me, told me to stop playing ''mind fuck games''....Okay, if we can't start inventing original days without being slayed for it, there is a big problem. Also, this is the first abuse, he slayed me, because HE thought the game wasn't fun enough or ''mind fucking'', funny because it is quite simple, even a couple of 13 years old could understand it last time I did it.


I told him in admin chat he was abusing, slaying me for playing my game, told him he didn't deserve an inch of his admin, because he was always being reported. He told me I didn't deserve a minute of the ban I was about to get if I kept complaining, but an hour of it....So, here again, he abuses admin, by slaying me, when I say he abused, he threaten me with a ban. This kid has had a lot of issues in the past with a lot of people, he still pays for his admin, or gets it payed by someone else ? and thinks hes one of the division leader ? He also verbally abuses A LOT on the server, being an overall bully, making the game a real pain for everyone when he's on. I think players like him shouldn't be allowed on the server or just not given admin , even if he pays for it...We're all in there to have fun and enjoy the game, not to have people like him slay us and verbally harass us over the internet.


Thanks a lot for reading, I was told not to do this post because he always gets away with the abuse reports but this has to stop.



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I'll post console screencaps of the incident in question.







The game itself is confusing, but that isn't why I slayed you. I slayed you for two reason:

1. The T's were expressing obvious confusion over the game as you can see by the spam of "WHAT" in chat among other comments. Simultaneously, a number of them were complaining over mic that they didn't get it. I asked you to stop in chat and on mic and you chose to ignore me and kept going.

2. You ended up killing 2 Ts... in a game of First/Last reaction. It's not because they "ran around like people always do". It's because they did not want to play a game they could not understand.


You were slain for ignoring an admin who was telling you to stop giving the confusing orders that Ts were clearly expressing confusion about. Now to address the rest of your claims:


Yes I threatened to ban you. Your comments to me that I don't deserve an inch of my admin are not up to you. That is up to the staff members who review my abuse reports and who have decided each and every time that I did not abuse to the point of consequences being needed. You were slain. That is it. You then took it way too far undermining my role in the server as an admin, disrespecting me in the process. Thus, I gave the text warning that you were on your way to a potential ban. That's procedural.


I in no way think I'm a divisonal leader. I follow the admining procedure with each and every case and try to get other admins to do the same. My "problem" with you is that in the past you abused your own admin and actually ended up being tlisted multiple times by the mod. You have since had your admin revoked, and are no longer my concern whatsoever. I treated you the same way I would treat anyone else in your position. The fact that you chose to disrespect me is the only reason I threatened you with a ban, not because you were simply "complaining."


"Making the game a real pain for everyone..." If you honestly see it that way, I'd like to ask you to take off your dirt-colored glasses. That is not true. I am well-liked in the server by both players and admins and my work on the server as an admin over the span of 2 years has shown a consistent record of trying to keep the server free of deviant behavior. The opinions of a few will not hinder the amount to which I bring "fun" for others in the server. Had you even a bit of respect for me as an admin to listen to my opinion and not play the game after my multiple warnings, this wouldn't have happened.


"Gets away with the abuse reports..." I don't get away with them as if Leadership is on my side or something. The truth is far from that. I am up to the same procedures and oversight of all other admins in that server. The fact that these multiple reports have all been marked not abuse or reviewed simply shows that while people may question by behavior as an admin, it is within the requirements HG sets for us.

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The guy spamming WHAT was obviously spamming that to nitpick, like T's do all the time. I explained the rules the same way I just did on this thread, if people didn't understand them, its not my problem. I wasn't intentionally trying to get people killed, just trying to have fun. We have a LOT of tarp days that are at least twice as difficult to understand as this game.


Pretty funny that when I asked the first question, no one jumped, the second time, when the answer was 1, people did. But 2 decided to start running around. What I mean by you think you're a devision leader is that you think you're over everyone. Which you are not. Maybe you have admin powers, but you pay for them. I have been in here for longer then you and my opinion is just as important then yours. Very well for you you get someone to pay for your admin, I dont. Fair enough. You still don't get to chose if my day is legal or not, you're not a devision leader. If you think it's confusing, say it, I will explain it then again. But again, I explained it over 5 times and it asked if it was understood, only those 2 guys were nitpicking, or being very retarded and said they didn't understand. The rest said they did, just fine.


So, here's why I think you abused, you decided to take actions on me, because you think your opinion about my game is a reason big enough to do so. Like I said, ive been here for longer then you, I know the rules, I'm not the kind of lead trying to get T's killed for no reason, I made sure in this case they did understand, even did an example round. If you don't like me, which I know you don't, thats fine for you, but don't try to use it as a reason to stop me from doing anything in the server that isn't wrong. You said because you're admin, and you tell me to stop playing my game, I have to stop playing it...? Then again, your voice isn't absolute and in the end, my game was fair and playable, approved by DL.


Saying I disrespect you for saying you don't deserve your admin and saying you're going to sanction me if I keep this opinion is just ridiculous...Obviously if you slay me for not listening to you when I couldn't hear you said to stop or see it in chat is abusing. You could have made sure I actually heard that you said stop, which I didn't, and that's why I had the assumption you slayed me for this day, which is what you wrote in chat : ''DONT PLAY MIND FUCKING GAMES''.


So, overall, you slayed me for not stopping my day that was a correct day, playable, approved, and also threatenen to ban me for telling you what you did was wrong and that you don't deserve your admin if you use it to your personal advantage.

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Also, if you think because you got nice colors in your name and admin written next to it, that everything you say or do is right, you are wrong. If you want to tell me to stop playing my day, AS AN ADMIN, you better make sure that you know my day is banned. In this case, then again, my day is approved and it is NOT banned, so asking to stop it, and me not complying, because I didn’t hear, but also, even if I had heard, I know, and knew, that my day is accepted, is abusing. It’s like saying you now invent the rules. You think my day is not fine, stop it! A DL said it was, so your voice against his? That’s also what ‘’thinking you’re a DL’’ means. Meaning you take actions for things you aren’t even sure about. Making your rules as it goes. If you’re in the server and people know that you’re that kind of person, who will slay them the moment he thinks what they’re doing is wrong, even if it isn’t, because he’s got a nice colored name and HG next to it, how do you expect people to have fun, and try new things out. You’re a closed minded person who doesn’t think out of the box. That will be it for now.

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This is obviously a total miscommunication failure and and lack of faith in people because of prior instances. Both of you I need you guys to calm the fuck down and stop writing so much it hurt my head.....


Back to the thread Laz if you have an issue about a game to see if it fine or not, please bring it up to the css dl's and we will figure it out there but in the meantime just take demos or screenshots about it and don't worry about it too much unless it kills +5 t's almost instantly (this goes for games not traps).


Monorail try not to be coming out like a douche on threads like these although you do have a point but still try to be in these guys shoes from before and they have gone through trolls and have used our names or say staff siad its fine to get away with things that are not right.


So both of you I would like an apology to each other and leave this behind both of you and chillax in the game.


P.S. It wouldn't hurt to say sorry for writing so freaking much.

P.P.S. This game is fine until there are complaints about it.

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