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BlacklistRequestx3: Tyler, Xxhetichbezzxx, Dave - Not doing job as cops

Gravity Kitteh

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Name: Tyler Austin


SteamID: N/A


Server: Perp


Reason: Not doing job as a cop


Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?87dwpdhnld9ol77


Comments: Tick 25000 he said he was secret service, While he was a cop. I told him several times to do his job.


Tick 26000 he killed a person he was supposed to arrest, The person had no weapon but he did say "kill the mayor".


Also, Doug killed them in the end of the demo for shooting her car and trying to kill her.




Name: Xxhetichbezzxx Hardcore


SteamID: N/A


Server: perp


Reason: Afk as a cop


Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?87dwpdhnld9ol77




Name: Dave Helson


SteamID: N/A


Server: Perp


Reason: Abuse of the stick thingy


Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?87dwpdhnld9ol77

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