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A gg server For hellsgamers


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I've got a gg server and i want to donate it to hellsgamers, but i see no point in doing that if there is no intrest for gg in this comunity.


It's a gg knife elite, witch means that after your gunkill you get forced to knife.

Naturly im open for suggestion/changes.

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Should make it a reverse gg turbo dm, but have it set where you need the 3 kills to advance to the next gun. This way the maps aren't too long/too short and there's no downtime waiting for rounds to finish.

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Like JJK said in a different post, make it a stock map gg server, where we would play all the regular maps. I think that would make it fun. And yes, DM and like 3 kills for next gun would also be good. I hate having a person gain 4 levelsin the 1st round. It just ruins it. 2 or 3 kills with the same gun would be great. Knife turbo would be sweet also - make sure its the one that makes you gain a gun kill, plus of you get 3 knifes in one round, you gain speed and it plays some sort of music or sound, that also makes it fun. Also - if its not a DM, make a question pop up when its 1 v 1, asking for a knife fight. That makes it interesting.

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I think we're going to need to walk a path fairly unbeaten for this to work. The game can't stop or people start to get bored. This includes obnoxious maps and getting perpetually stuck with zero kills at certain stages of the game. The GG servers we have/had were always way underpopulated. Almost a waste of a server for them to run on.


A couple kills per weapon would be cool. Reverse GG would also be better since it doesn't put the people that just joined or that suck at a huge disadvantage 90 seconds in. I'm pretty much impartial on team or DM. For "gimmick" servers, we have to offer something other people don't have. Or at least do it better than they do :P

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gg turbo's always seem to get populated thoe.There is a menu i can add that lets the winner choose the type off gg to play, i can add that one and see how it turns out.

Trying to find 4 guys on the oposite team on say dust2 is nearly imposible. Thats why there is gg maps, they are smal fast to download and if you have played for a cuple of years you can always tell where the ennimy is. this is the current ip for it, but i will have to change it to quantom server's, atm its gamservers.com. feel free to go in and try it out, pm me or catch me on vent, or type in some suggestions here.

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fagfagfagfag.................................but seriously don't make it dm because we had a gg dm server wasn't as popular as I thought it would be


LIES. . . . . But I like my server the way it is, just like you faded... so just copy the ip try it out and let me know....

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