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Done with cigarettes.


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So, after a harsh reality check, I've decided to put down cigarettes for good... My grandmother, someone very close it me, is going through the hardest time in her life right now. Not to long ago, we found her unconscious and unresponsive during the night. Almost losing her was one of the hardest things my family and I went through and all of it was due to smoking. Seeing her in the state she was in that night is something I never want to see again. Dealing with COPD, she is now required to carry oxygen with her at all times. It's hard to watch someone I care about so much go through something like this... I started smoking a little over a year ago and I now realize what I am putting my family through by smoking. I never want to put anyone close to me through what I went through with my grandmother. So, I've decided to quit.


Wish me luck...

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Good luck. My dad used to smoke a lot until I finally forced him to. He used this thing called an electronic cigarette. It use water vapor and shit like that here is the wiki link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_cigarette my dad used it because gum and patches and other stuff didnt work for him idk how much it cost but this is just another option for anyone trying to quit.

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Good luck. My dad used to smoke a lot until I finally forced him to. He used this thing called an electronic cigarette. It use water vapor and shit like that here is the wiki link for it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_cigarette my dad used it because gum and patches and other stuff didnt work for him idk how much it cost but this is just another option for anyone trying to quit.



Yeah, but e-cigs are dangerous as well.

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Good luck man, I'm 1 week cigaretteless myself. Coming from about half a pack a day. It very rough and the urges suck, but it does get easier, i have less and less urges and can already feel a huge difference in my lungs. Well worth it. Good for you for quitting.

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Good for you man.. i know it will be hard to quit considering you smoke due to stressful situations. Ive been on and off them for years. I think the main thing is to be positive no matter what happens and keep your head up.. Be strong not only for your family but within yourself. My gram died do to smoking. To quit. sounds stupid but if you get the urge to smoke.. grab a tootsie pop.. just having something in your fingers helps the mental game of stopping. worked for me as i quit cold turkey for over 3 years... good luck

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