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New graphics card


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First that what Anony said, next the facts. How much screens? What resolution? Do u want to play it on ultra-settings?


EDIT: To give you just a fast answer (timezone shit), I paste you the following benchmark to see what FPS you should have:




This has been copied from here http://www.behardware.com/art/imprimer/818/.


I personally would go with the GTX 570 or at least the GTX 560 ti 448 cores which is based on the GTX 570 but around 5% slower. With a bit overclocking you don't need to worry.


Edited by DaRkMaN
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Im running a gtx 275 and it runs really smoothly. View detail around 3500. Make sure u turn off Head Bob in game options and Post Process in video options. Turning off shadows helps a bit to.


Also to tun a good graphics card your gonna need a good processor that wont bottle neck it and a PSU that can power it. Dont forget the basics :P

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First that what Anony said, next the facts. How much screens? What resolution? Do u want to play it on ultra-settings?


EDIT: To give you just a fast answer (timezone shit), I paste you the following benchmark to see what FPS you should have:




This has been copied from here http://www.behardware.com/art/imprimer/818/.


I personally would go with the GTX 570 or at least the GTX 560 ti 448 cores which is based on the GTX 570 but around 5% slower. With a bit overclocking you don't need to worry.


Considering he said "cheapest graphics card" a 570 is probably going to be quite out of his price range. Remember that is still a $300+ dollar card.


A gtx 550ti would be able to max out arma 2 with a resolution of 1280x1024 (same as mine, and i actually just bought this card. Waiting for it to arrive then i'll do some benchmarks)

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Considering he said "cheapest graphics card" a 570 is probably going to be quite out of his price range. Remember that is still a $300+ dollar card.


A gtx 550ti would be able to max out arma 2 with a resolution of 1280x1024 (same as mine, and i actually just bought this card. Waiting for it to arrive then i'll do some benchmarks)


I just gave it as a short answer, still expecting his answer on my questions above like "How much screens, which resolution, how much money, ultra settings?".

The best price/perfomance card is the GTX 560TI 448 cores which I said is based on the GTX 570 just a lil bit slower. I dunno the prices of ya but in germany it is 250€.

Also to be logic, he asked for the cheapest card to run that game smoothly. If he wants it on FullHD with ultra settings, the GTX560TI 448 cores is the cheapest card even though it costs 250 bugs.

If he would ask for the cheapest card to run BF3 on 3 screens, FullHD and ultra it would be the GTX 680 even though it costs 500 bugs.


So ye just answer my questions above and we will find summin for you.

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Now how can I see if my computer is able to hold this card, such as power supply and processor?

The only thing that I would be worry about is the power supply. Nvidia says the minimum power requirement is a 400W power supply. If you don't have one already, I would recommend a 550+ watt power supply, just to be on the safe side.




Processor, I wouldn't really worry about, however you should make sure your motherboard can use a PCI-E 2.0 card. Also, check the size clearance. The GTS 450's reference design is ~8.5 inches long.

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Save up another $30 or so and you should be able to get a decent psu.


I bought this exact PSU for $25 2 years ago http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817339009


Havent had any problems other than the fans dying out, but oiling every year or so and you should have no problems.


In fact, if your really just looking for something basic this would probably do you fine




and you should have enough for that psu as well

Edited by AnonyHorse
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I'm really unsure about the power supply stuff... I never would go with such unknown stuff, this may just end up as firework like this "Super-Flower" stuff. Neither do I think my suggestions will be pointed at since you obviously do not have "much" money. But I just would go with known and good stuff such as Antec, Corsair, Be Quiet, Enermax, Seasonic. I also would say you should have a look for a stronger card but used like the GTX 285 which will take about 200 watt on max as far I know.

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well teh plaayer told me that the minimum wattage on it is 300 and that's my maximum wattage. So could this cause complications?


It could, under heavy workloads of the gpu


so it's not like you couldn't use the GT440, except it may cause your computer to crash/bluescreen at times due to the insufficient supply of power D=

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It could probably run it on a 300, but the chances of your computer going over is pretty likely.


Remember, 300watt is its peak usage...usually going over 285 for more than 30 minutes will cause a crash.


If you can, grab that psu i linked along with the 440. It will run it on low, but other than that I'm not sure. my 7900 GTO can run it on low with a small amount of fps lag so a 440 should be alright

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