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Job Interview tomorrow.. WTF DO I WEAR??


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Give him a break Billy he's 16 FFS.



Dress to impress. Since it's KFC, I would not recommend a suit, but wear business casual (This means nice slacks, collared dress shirt, no tie).


Oh, and make sure you wear an undershirt. I can't believe how many people don't wear a shirt underneath a button down. It's tacky as shit.

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for KFC, don't go in a suit, or in general, don't overdress. they'll think you're nuts :D

just be clean, don't wear jeans you've been wearing for the past 3 weeks now.

Just a chill shirt/vest and some jeans and just normal, decent shoes will do. make sure your breath smells fresh and you look clean. Best tip? take a shower right before you go.

That'll be it :) and use some deodorant. some people just fail to smell "ok", it's gross :3

As long as you dont look/smell as if you've slept with the garbage last night, you'll be fine :)

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^^ On the topic of smell. Do NOT spray on a crap ton of cologne.


this is true.

especially not cheap one, it smells like pee in disguise :3

Some people think "the more the better". NOT true. if you do decide to put some on, limit it to the bare minimum.

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Because the interviewer might have a bad reaction to it, be sensitive to smells, get itchy eyes from it, who knows. If that happens, they aren't going to remember anything about your interview except how annoying it was. Err on the side of caution for first impressions.

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Whats wrong with cologne? Just don't use crappy cologne. I wear cologne to work all the time. I use Chanel Homme Edition Blanche. That shits awesome.


Thing is he's a kid, kids wearing cologne often seem to pretend to be grown ups and it makes them look silly :P it's like 5yo girls wearing mommy's heels :P

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So Im thinking I'll just wear a plain black shirt with a nice pair of jeans. (Basically what makes me look good) I'm hoping they hire me.. I need this job:/


It wouldn't hurt to wear dress pants if you have any.


Oh, and make sure you wear an undershirt. I can't believe how many people don't wear a shirt underneath a button down. It's tacky as shit.


I know you are supposed to wear and undershirt, but it always looks so funny when you see the undershirt through the dress shirt.

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