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2 derps griefing on pyro


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1. Name(s): Badass sandvich:D[G4M], Malasana City

2. Steam Id: 0:0:20622818, 0:1:51927906

3. Server: Pyro achievement

4. Reason:Griefing red players

5. Proof: http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/4fd40c81f0331.dem, http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/4fd40cacbd512.dem, http://cloud.dloaded.com/i/4fd40cec7fe4f.jpg, http://cloud.dloaded.com/i/4fd40d25e55df.jpg, http://cloud.dloaded.com/i/4fd40d4b8c1a1.jpg, http://cloud.dloaded.com/i/4fd40d77a4c2c.jpg

6. Comments: Most of the screens show Malasana killing ppl on console, and sandvich says this is the "Best server to farm strange", which can only be done by killing players, which means he must have been a repeat offender.

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