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My overall opinion on HeLLsGamer's perp..

ultra lulzz

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Hello, before anyone takes this the wrong way, please see that I am not attempting to insult anyone here, nor will I really say names. With that said, please, allow me to at least say a few things about this server.


Hello, my name is Ultra Lulz, I had to make another account because for some reason, I had never got an confirmation email, so here I am, shortly though, if this is taken the wrong way and I receive a ban. I have come here to point out the perks of your perp server, and flaws. As suggested before, this is not to be taken an "rage thread" or an "insult these people thread.". Just to state something here, I am familiar with this community, I am the sister of a former member named "Clams", or "Sloppybukakke", so I am quite familiar with how things are 'done' here, at least, in the past I was. I may be slightly out of date.


Allow me to get started on the perks of this server.


1). This server mostly, has friendly players, and its fun to play on. It is 100% better than most RP servers out there. Perp is an excellent game mode to get actual RP done.


2). The cars are a fun way to get around, though as expensive they may be.


3). This server, all of it put together, has great potential, more so than crappy "darkRP" servers. Though sometimes people fail RP, its inevitable - in every RP server, there will be that one person who is looking to ruin your time.


These are the obvious perks of this server. It's an excellent RP environment, full of its ups and downs such as life should have. It has tax, and actually presents a challenge where things aren't meant to be just given to you on a silver platter. This I admire.


Now to the "cons" of your server, I only have few.


1) The car death matchers. They come in mass - they're a pain in the butt, and everyone dislikes them.


2) Fail roleplayers; yes, as stated - they are inevitable. But sweet jesus, I have never seen such fail medics in my life, they even get a bright red alert saying someone is down over there, and walk right past the dead bodies. It's beyond dumb.


Now, this is the biggest flaw in this server, as I said, THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AN INSULT, if I get banned for saying this, then I can easily say you cannot take constructive criticism very well.


3) The way things are done with complaints. The admins do not pay attention to complaints, and when they are opposed for this, they do not allow a friendly debate, instead they disable OOC, and don't even hear us, as guests, out. I find this to be beyond ridiculous. We're here, and we have a problem, we report it as told in OOC, and then we get ignored. Why? I'm an admin on another community and we never allow this to happen, I have been admining on multiple servers and I have never, ever, seen service be this bad. I am almost sickened by it. This flaw is fatal, because it frustrates many people. Sure, you may shrug it off, as "a person left, so what? Another will join shortly", yes, this is true, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't matter. I'm not saying all the admins are bad, I have seen a few that are very helpful, nice, and not rude. Please, take this into consideration. Through a guest's perspective, it sucks to be ignored when there is a problem intervening with your play time. You may just say "don't like it, leave", this just encourages them to go onto their friends list and tell everyone to spread the word on how badly they were treated.


That's it. Overall, your server has great potential, and the RP server itself, is a lot of fun, I do hope this post itself doesn't get me banned from it because it's fun to play on. If it does, I will at least have the sanctification of at least, getting my word out, and getting my opinion without being (somewhat) oppressed. As stated before, this was not to be a rage post, or at all, an "lets insult this person or that person", thread.


I do hope you understand my opinion from a guest's point of view.


Sincerly, Ultra Lulz.

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If you have an issue with the server itself, mention it to an admin but don't spam them completely.


If you have an issue with a player, record a demo and post a ban report.



Do you realise what my post was even about? I was simply stating the perks and cons of the server. I dare not spam an admin, because it never comes out nicely. I nary have a problem with players themselves. I have reported, yet, been ignored. This thread isn't about this, really, it's more of something to state, and bring aware of the fact that there is a fatal flaw here, and it needs to be addressed.

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  • Executive Council

Admins are not omnipotent. We cannot see everything that happens or the context around the situation.


What you can do is record a demo and post on the forums.


I'm making changes to hopefully improve the CDM problem. (Drivers license system, blacklist from driving by admins)


As for fail RP people, record a demo of them not doing their job and post it. They'll get blacklisted.

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Admins are not omnipotent. We cannot see everything that happens or the context around the situation.


What you can do is record a demo and post on the forums.


I'm making changes to hopefully improve the CDM problem. (Drivers license system, blacklist from driving by admins)


As for fail RP people, record a demo of them not doing their job and post it. They'll get blacklisted.

Logs, Admins should be on to watch and make sure rules arent being broken. Not to dole out advice on how to make a demo. I am an admin on a DarkRP server, we have admins on duty. looking at the kill log and responding to reports.

There is around 20-25 people on and nearly 5 admins on during peak playing time. Normally, we respond to ALL situations in game so they dont ahve to be taken to the forums. HG takes it the whole way around where (In my case) admins cannot be bothered to help or deal with situations(aslong as it does not affect the admin himself). Whenever i ask for help im told that there is nothing they can do and to report it... There are kill logs and such. Why not pull the players involved in the situtaion out of RP and solve the issue. That way players have admins ingame that they can really rely on instead of being helpless to RDM and CDM ingame.

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Admins are not omnipotent. We cannot see everything that happens or the context around the situation.


What you can do is record a demo and post on the forums.


I'm making changes to hopefully improve the CDM problem. (Drivers license system, blacklist from driving by admins)


As for fail RP people, record a demo of them not doing their job and post it. They'll get blacklisted.



Of course, I agree completely with you, admins in fact cannot see every little thing that goes on. But, as stated there have been multiple cases of where I've just seen admins driving around in their cars, ignoring all complaints. That is what gets me, and every guest or anyone lower than the ranks of admins. I know that admins cannot please everyone's needs, but being downright ignored isn't right. Please understand this.


I'm glad to hear you're trying to fix the CDM problem, thank you very much for that. I hope your tatics work to stop this problem.


And thank you for the advice with demoing, ill be sure to do this when and if I feel a problem may occur.


Ps. sorry for any grammar, or spelling errors. I am on my phone.

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  • Executive Council
Logs, Admins should be on to watch and make sure rules arent being broken. Not to dole out advice on how to make a demo. I am an admin on a DarkRP server, we have admins on duty. looking at the kill log and responding to reports.

There is around 20-25 people on and nearly 5 admins on during peak playing time. Normally, we respond to ALL situations in game so they dont ahve to be taken to the forums. HG takes it the whole way around where (In my case) admins cannot be bothered to help or deal with situations(aslong as it does not affect the admin himself). Whenever i ask for help im told that there is nothing they can do and to report it... There are kill logs and such. Why not pull the players involved in the situtaion out of RP and solve the issue. That way players have admins ingame that they can really rely on instead of being helpless to RDM and CDM ingame.


To that I would reply that we like to play PERP too. Please don't expect us to get on the server to only sit there and watch everything that goes on.


I'm hoping to make some tools to help police investigate deaths so that they may be more useful in policing the server.

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To that I would reply that we like to play PERP too. Please don't expect us to get on the server to only sit there and watch everything that goes on.


I'm hoping to make some tools to help police investigate deaths so that they may be more useful in policing the server.


Yeah, everyone likes to play. Thats why you setup a system where there is always atleast 1 admin on duty and ready to solve an issue so everyone can get back in the game.

For a server as large as perp, you will need a good amount of admins to deal with all the possible shit that can go on.

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It is an implied fact that those who have never admined before of course would expect every plea they send out to be answered. I can assume, that a perp server is much harder to administrate due to the large amount of players online. So I am patient in knowing this fact, most of the time.


As for the police officers getting more tools to investigate deaths, have you ever taken into consideration a detective job perhaps?

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What people don't seem to understand most of the time is that PERP is far more complex then DarkRP or pretty much any other server we have in our library (including Jailbreak). We have automated systems in place and usually at least one or more admins on during peak times in order to handle most issues that arise. However, the measure by no means can prevent every issue from occurring. Similarly admins are not paid to scroll through all players watching them every five seconds, they volunteer their time and energy to ensuring the whole server is functioning properly. Admins do not come into PERP in any formal sense, they are there to have fun like everyone else, they just have the capacity to assist in server issues as they arise. If you need to have admin interaction in a server when an admin is not active then you need only join teamspeak and talk to someone at the help desk. At times it is just not possible to address every single issue that arises which is why it is encouraged that you take demos of incidences and report them so they can be dealt with at leisure rather then all at once.

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As an moderator on the PERP server, I can wholeheartedly say that I try to make it the best PERP server that is out there. Even ask some of the players, I spend about 80% (if not more) of the time doing something admin related, with 20% actually enjoying RP'ing in the game. (Although I've been MIA due to school situations and what not) We do not have 64 other screens to monitor each and every one of the players, and sometimes, we do not see what goes on.


For me, I don't simply take anything by the word of mouth. Lies can be told and stories can be twisted. So, I like to have hard proof of things that happen either by demo or seeing it with my own eyes. We (or, at least, I) do take your complaints into consideration, and we (or I) do like to help out the best we can.


Also, to person who said to look at the logs. To me, logs do not give enough context as to what is happening in that period of time. It could be a solo-raid with someone absolutely wrecking face, or it could be a person who is going around RDM'ing cops.

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At most i have ever seen 3 admins on at once... 3 admins can in no way take care of 50 people. You need more admins who will take thier time to deal with players so that people will want to keep playing PERP. It does not matter if they are voulunteering or not. You cant just not do your job and say its becausee you volunteer... You volunteer so you can do your job and protect the players from those who choose not to follow the rules. TO have a fully functioning server you need immidiate admins to handle situations so people can play without having crappy situations (because they arent recording a demo 24/7) that will really anger them and provent them from having fun and playing on your server. SammyServers DarkRp has a 32 player limit and alot of community trained admins. people /report and it ticks all the admins online of the report. One admin will accept the report and bring the offending players along with the victim to an out of RP area admin room to solve the sitiation and deal out punishments. Ive been an admin there for a little over one year. I come to PERP and get told that i cant be helped in game... Its kind of saddening to me that such a great game mode isnt being run properly (In my own personal opinion). Old players and admins will raid the living shit out of all other players who are just trying to make a living. It just seems like with a large community like HG would have ALOT of people who would love to recieve admin training and help out. But who am i to sugggest anything. im new here. Why does my opinion matter (as a HG told me yesterday).

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Let me say this first. I do not play perp. However you post has touched a point that you may have not considered. Admins on hg servers, and I'm talking about the majority. Do no work for hg, but rather pay for admin. volunteer is not the right word for what our admins do. They pay for the right and ability to solve problems. As such , paid admins tend to fix the immediate problems they see, but feel little need to seek out problems. I can't blame them, because I'm a paid CSS admin myself and I know that sometimes you have to play that game your paying for. The non paid super admins do their best to keep things running smoothly. But perp is not the only server they are in charge of. Please try to be patient with them when they ask for demos and refer you to the rules of how things get done here. Their job is not easy, and they get even less time to enjoy their time in hg than paid admins. No system is perfect but hg tries to be as fair as possible.

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Of course, I am aware that admins cannot keep an eye on every single little thing that happens. It's a fact, and of course, PERP is much more complex than any RP gamemode, it's quite lua intense.


Zekk, I tend to disagree with you. People point out problems, and the admins don't even have to seek out any problems, they're given reports, and they simply don't answer them after several minutes. I asked a question in OOC about payments towards the admins or in fact any HG member online at that moment, and received no answer for a long time. I eventually received an answer 20 minutes later to submit a ticket, which I did and it was answered quite quickly.


Now Plaayer, thank you for helping, and improving gameplay to the best of your abilities. I agree with you, proof is a needed thing if you wish to claim things on others. Now a days, people will twist other peoples words, and twist situations just to get someone else in trouble when they don't deserve it. I know this well as I administrate multiple servers and have administrated multiple servers in the past. I tend to prefer stone cold proof, perhaps pictures of abuse, and just for a reference logs. I do not ban strictly on logs as well - they are simply not enough proof due to the fact that other things could've happened to lead to the moment in which there was trouble. Thanks for your input on this though, it's very much appreciated. ;)

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Let me say this first. I do not play perp. However you post has touched a point that you may have not considered. Admins on hg servers, and I'm talking about the majority. Do no work for hg, but rather pay for admin. volunteer is not the right word for what our admins do. They pay for the right and ability to solve problems. As such , paid admins tend to fix the immediate problems they see, but feel little need to seek out problems. I can't blame them, because I'm a paid CSS admin myself and I know that sometimes you have to play that game your paying for. The non paid super admins do their best to keep things running smoothly. But perp is not the only server they are in charge of. Please try to be patient with them when they ask for demos and refer you to the rules of how things get done here. Their job is not easy, and they get even less time to enjoy their time in hg than paid admins. No system is perfect but hg tries to be as fair as possible.



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Yeah, everyone likes to play. Thats why you setup a system where there is always atleast 1 admin on duty and ready to solve an issue so everyone can get back in the game.

For a server as large as perp, you will need a good amount of admins to deal with all the possible shit that can go on.


People have lives. People have jobs. People have families.

Not everyone lives off their parents or others and can play 24/7.

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Agreed, but in my opinion I don't think its really the servers fault with the cons, but the players themselves obviously, the rules just need more enforcing and more admins on at once to stop players from fail-rping like people usually do.

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