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Kimzy "THE HELPER" Mertens


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<05:30:24> "Rudabaga": OK!

<05:30:28> "Rudabaga": I have this HUGE issue.

<05:30:32> "Kimzy": uh oh

<05:30:48> "Rudabaga": I don't wanna ask my parents because I'm afraid they'll freak out

<05:30:59> "Kimzy": continue :D

<05:31:20> "Rudabaga": I was taking a shower today and I was washing my genital area and looked down.

<05:31:27> "Rudabaga": I noticed these red dots, so I took a better look.

<05:31:36> "Rudabaga": I googled what it might be and it told me that I have herpes.

<05:31:49> "Rudabaga": do you agree?

<05:31:56> "Kimzy": the only thing I can advise you is to not stick your genitals where they do not belong :P

<05:32:07> "Kimzy": I have never had any genital uhm

<05:32:09> "Kimzy": problems

<05:32:10> "Rudabaga": BUT I'M A VIRGIN!

<05:32:16> "Kimzy": before, but yeah you might wanna get it checked

<05:32:30> "Kimzy": it can be transmitted by mouth too

<05:32:33> "Kimzy": jus sayinn

<05:33:09> "Rudabaga": ARE YOU SERIOUS?

<05:33:15> "Kimzy": yuuup

<05:33:22> "Rudabaga": That hooker told me that it can't happen that way.

<05:33:24> "Rudabaga": WTF!

<05:33:27> "Kimzy": lololol :D

<05:33:34> "Rudabaga": I'm gonna have to sue him

<05:33:39> "Kimzy": you're too awesome lack hahahahahahahaha:D

<05:33:47> "Rudabaga": This is not a laughing matter.

<05:33:49> "Rudabaga": I have herpes

<05:33:55> "Kimzy": I know, its cereal business

<05:33:58> "Rudabaga": WAIT!

<05:34:09> "Rudabaga": I just realized that I had spaghetti last night and I ate it naked.

<05:34:13> "Rudabaga": I just wiped off the red dots

<05:34:14> "Kimzy": oh there,

<05:34:17> "Kimzy": problem solved!

<05:34:18> "Rudabaga": and it was tomato sauce.

<05:34:25> "Kimzy": on your pee wee?

<05:34:26> "Rudabaga": AND IT'S STILL GOOD!

<05:34:28> "Rudabaga": double win

<05:34:29> "Kimzy": :o:o

<05:34:34> "Kimzy": you have issues :D

<05:34:36> "Kimzy": lots of em :D

<05:34:42> "Rudabaga": NOT ANYMORE!

<05:34:49> "Rudabaga": I just told you that it isn't herpes

<05:35:01> "Kimzy": :DD

<05:35:16> "Rudabaga": Thanks for the help

<05:35:35> "Rudabaga": I'm going to make a thread of this chat

<05:35:39> "Rudabaga": so everyone knows how good of help you are

<05:35:46> "Kimzy": you're a twat :D


She guided my through my issue of almost having herpes. I'm glad that she was here this early in the morning to help me.

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