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What was the first system you ever played on.


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Easy and simple question: What was the first Game system you ever played on? Console or portable system. Feel free to post pictures if you want.


For me it was a black Gameboy Color and a Nintendo 64.






Edited by Magic
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I had a gameboy before a console since it lead me to playing the vidya. Before that I owned a Galaga arcade machine in my house (which is now broken and makes me sad because Galaga is the shit).


But my first actual console was


wait for it


wait for it


the Gamecube

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The nintendo original? The one that's on all the hipster belt buckles and things.


I think it was eithera 3dO pan-3do.jpg


or an NES

My brother and I got that for Christmas one year. I only played same lame space game.

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NES, SNES, Sega Gen w/CD attachment on the right, Sega Gamegear, Gameboy pocket, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Color, Sega Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox 360.


I'm pretty sure all in that order too. Out of all these I'm pretty sure I played the fuck out of my 64 the most.

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NES, Gameboy (The big motherfucking grey brick model), SEGA Genesis (14 years owned and still going strong!), SNES, PS1 and N64, GBA, PC, Xbox, 360, PS2, Wii, also Commodore 64. A few arcade games as well, Cabal, Snow Bros., MK II, OutRun, Bubble Bobble, and Golden Axe. That's all I can remember off the top of my head! Not bad, considering how old I am.

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