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Uncle Johnny

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1. Abuser name: DarkwingDuck

2. Their Steam Id: I don't know

3. What server: Perp

4. About what time: 11:00

5. PROOF:https://hellsgamers.com/threads/70444-Uncle-Johney-RDM , https://hellsgamers.com/threads/70445-Uncle-Johnny

6. Please tell us about the incident: He gleefully banned me ("Banned, thank you for the report! Uncle Johnny has had way too many chances." )for no proof, I checked the dem file. All it was is me shooting a cop with no context. When I've contacted him several times about the issue he doesn't respond. When I asked Pilpest for further proof he deleted my post. He locked my unban request without discussing it. He frequently locks ban requests and unban requests without giving me a chance to respond to what he says (see the unban request I linked to). All I want is a fair discussion with him but he won't talk.


I would prefer an admin besides duck review this.

Edited by Uncle Johnny
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Uncle Johnny, there is conclusive proof in the demo and this is the last time im going to tell you that you are not getting unbanned. You keep spamming my steam friends list with friend requests and spamming my inbox. If you continue to do this you will be banned from the forums, but I will let my uppers review this aswell.


Here is the thread with his unban request, linking to his ban request: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/70445-Uncle-Johnny

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Uncle Johnny, there is conclusive proof in the demo and this is the last time im going to tell you that you are not getting unbanned. You keep spamming my steam friends list with friend requests and spamming my inbox. If you continue to do this you will be banned from the forums, but I will let my uppers review this aswell.


Here is the thread with his unban request, linking to his ban request: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/70445-Uncle-Johnny

Finally I can talk with you, If you really want to know what happened. The cop random ticketed my car , I didn't rdm. I think I have a dem of it.

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Finally I can talk with you, If you really want to know what happened. The cop random ticketed my car , I didn't rdm. I think I have a dem of it.



You just admitted to RDMing, random ticketing does not warrant you to kill someone. There is no street justice. You have been banned in our admin panel over 5 times now. One of them being a count of Mass CDM, in which we permanently ban for to begin with.

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It doesn't say in the rules that you can't kill a cop for random ticket. Also the rules say that a perma ban should only be used as a last resort if the player will not listen to admins, everything you've said I've followed to the letter. This isn't a permanent banable offense, I could understand a couple days but let's be real. What I did wasn't all that bad. I have plenty of people on dems doing worse than me but I don't feel the need to ruin their fun.


If a cop gives you a bullshit ticket in real life are you going to fucking shoot him in the face?

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So after reviewing all the material, I have concluded that there is no abuse here. Darkwing is a respectable member of our community and your past says a lot of things about you. You have 7 bans on record, most for RDMing. This ban was justified and I would have done the same thing. What I can tell you is to make an unban request in a few months when you can understand the concept of RDM. This report is silly seeing is I see no abuse. And Johnny, keep your trigger finger subsided.



Edited by HorseRanger
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