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Summer gym...... then this.


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Ok so I take summer gym so I don't have to do it at school. Mainly because it's three days compared to nine weeks. So today was the first day. Tents set up, our shit in em, and we just ate lunch. My group of friends a couple we're passing a ball around. One tripped and grabbed my leg (like trying to grab any thing so he doesn't fall) and knocked me down. I was about to get up and a sharp pain was in my leg, my knee cap was on the other side of my knee. In a nutshell, here is what happened after I saw my knee. HOLY SHIT MY KNEE IS BROKE! GET A FUCKING TEACHER! HOLY SHIT! HELP! HELP! So they pop'ed my knee back into place and wrapped it up. And here I am :P .

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knees are a bitch man, its been almost 10 months since i tore my ACL PCL and LCL, LCL is still torn (going for surgery soon hopefully) and i stretched my nerve so i cant lift up my foot. Going to have 3 seperate surgeons going in at once, but it will never be the same. Theres still on guarantee that the nerve will heal so i may end up losing the muscle in that leg. Once its fucked its fucked :\

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knees are a bitch man, its been almost 10 months since i tore my ACL PCL and LCL, LCL is still torn (going for surgery soon hopefully) and i stretched my nerve so i cant lift up my foot. Going to have 3 seperate surgeons going in at once, but it will never be the same. Theres still on guarantee that the nerve will heal so i may end up losing the muscle in that leg. Once its fucked its fucked :\


Sweet shit man how did you do that?

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That happened to my mom twice haha. Just go see a doc and do some physical therapy. Usually doesn't require anything else just take it easy. At least it wasn't your arm so you can still jerk it and play games

Also are they giving you the credit for gym?

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