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Interesting/Cool Websites?


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Preferably ones that update once a day with cool stuff. I'm talking about sites you can be stuck on for hours upon hours


Site like:


tvtropes.org -talks about recurring tropes/cliches in the media

wimp.com -5 cool videos each day

fuckinghomepage.com -uploads facts, cool stuff, books every day

unplugthetv.com - cool, mostly informative videos

cracked.com - cool lists about a verity of stuff, also a lot of dick jokes

http://www.differencebetween.net/ - tells you the difference between a wide variety of stuff

stumbleupon.com (and it's chrome extension/firefox add-on/smartphone app) -gives you a random page on the internet generated from your personal interests


howstuffworks.com - self-explanatory

http://www.wtfshouldidotoday.com/ -tells you what you should do today

snopes.com -debunks urban legends

songfacts.com -cool facts about songs

http://www.unnecessaryknowledge.com -random facts

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Unusual_articles -wikipedia's unusual articles

http://www.realchange.org/ -talks about political scandals about presidential candidates since 1996 (including the upcoming one)

http://www.todayifoundout.com/ -cool facts each day

http://www.nationmaster.com/index.php -compares two countries in terms of gdp, crime rates, etc

http://list25.com/ - kind of like cracked (in terms of lists) but not as much cracked-like humor

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